All I Ever Wanted: Part 12: Somebody's Heartbreak

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Hunter's POV:

I couldn't even begin to process the thought of why Chad would text Kay. He knew very well it would bring back memories that Kay didn't want to have think about again. She had her face buried in my chest and couldn't stop crying. My heart was breaking for her. I couldn't stand to see the girl I love in pain. "Honey it's ok. I am not going anywhere no matter what he thinks. I love you so much."

Kay's POV:

I looked up at Hunter and whispered angrily, "how could he do his? Break up with me and then realize he still loves me one year later?" "I know Sweetheart. Everything will be Ok. We will get through this... I promise. " As I laid my head on Hunter's chest... all of my memories with Chad... the good and the bad came rushing back to me. When we met. Our first kiss.... the breakup.... every single memory came flooding back to me and it felt absoloutely HORRIBLE. Know, you are probably wondering why this is such a huge deal to me... Chad and I had an amazing relationship.... I trusted him with all of my heart.... I let him into my heart. Until one day.... a very special I might add... everything came crashing down.


It was my sixteenth birthday..... It was also three years ago that day since Chad and I started dating. Chad and I had plans to go have dinner together and celeberate. That morning when I woke up, I was estatic to see Chad. I couldn't believe him and I have been together for three years. It felt amazing.... I was completely in love with him. I was getting my hair and makup put on in my room when I heard a knock on the door. "Could that be Chad already? If it is, he's really early!!" I thought as I ran down the stairs with my curls bouncing around as I walk. A smile grew on my face when I realized it was Chad. I opened the door. "Oh my god!! Chad what are you--" He cut my sentence off and said, "Kay, we need to talk. " As I peeked off the porch I saw a girl sitting in the passenger's seat of the car. I didn't recognize her at all. She wasn't one of my friends. "Chad, who is that?" I asked, my voice began to shake because I had a feeling I already knew what his anwser was. "Kay, I don't know how to tell you this..." "CHAD... JUST TELL ME." Anger began to come in my tone. I let him come in and shut the door behind me. "Kay, I've been seeing somebody...." "EXCUSE ME? Did I just hear you correctly? You... are seeing somebody? You can't be...." "I am." Tears starting rolling down my face. "For how long?" He didn't anwser... "Chad.... HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SEEING HER? Tell me..." "7 months. " I broke down completely. "GET OUT NOW... GO..." Chad looked at me directly and said... "I'm sorry." "Excuse me? You're sorry? That's it? Chad... sorry isn't going to cut it. Just leave.... Have fun with.... HER.... I hope she's worth losing what we have." I let him out the door and slammed it shut as he walked out.... I ran upstairs and collapsed on my bed... heartbroken...


Hunter's POV:

Kay had just now fallen alsleep on my chest... her phone was loosley in her. I felt it buzz against my chest and I carefully grabbed it from her. She told me to look at it if it buzzed again. "How could I have guessed.." I mumbled under my breath. It was Chad.... AGAIN. I opened the message. It read. "Kay, I know where you are... and who you are with... I am coming there to talk in person. Be there soon. All my love, Chad." "What a jerk" I thought to myself. Before i put her phone back, I noticed on her lockcreen... a picture of her and I... it was taken the night I told her I loved her. We both had tears in our eyes... but it was a great picture anyway. I loved her with heart... and unlike Chad.. that was never going change....

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now