All I Ever Wanted: Part 22: We'll Be Together; Part 3

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Kay's POV: We walked out of my house with Adi watching us in the window with a beaming smile. When we reached my car, I looked back at the window waved bye, and blew her a kiss. "You ready?" "Of course! Lets go!" He opened the passengers side door, and I got inside. He got in the car drivers seat of the car and I typed the address of the restaurant into the GPS. Before we started driving, he leaned in closer to me and gave a passionate kiss. "You look beautiful, Lovebug." He whispered in my ear. I giggled and whispered, "Thank you... And I like that one... Lovebug... You got that from Adi didn't you?" He laughed and said, "Yep I did!" I giggled and he smiled. We put on the radio, and rode out of the driveway. After about half an hour in the car, we finally reached the restaurant. The food was always good here... And it was right by the water. It was perfect. Hunter got out of the car and went over to my side. He smiled and grabbed my hand. When we got inside, the waiter sat us down, and we ordered our food and drinks. The waiter was not very nice, but at least the food would be good! I've eaten here many times before, and have always left feeling satisfied. Both Hunter and I ordered a steak, with a side of carrots and potatoes. While we were waiting, I asked Hunter, "Did you have fun with Jeremy today?" "Yeah!! We had alot of fun!! He is really cool. He's very energetic that's for sure!" "Oh yes! He's always been that way. It was great to see you interact with him today. It gave me a glimpse of what our future could be like. Do you want kids after you get married?" "Of course! Family is huge part of me... Just like it is for you." I smiled and said, "I'm glad.. Because that's what I want too." He smiled and said, "I love you Sweety." "I love you too." After a few more minutes of conversation, our food came. Lets just say it's not what we expected. "Enjoy." The waiter said with no expression whatsoever. Hunter and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We looked down at our plates, my jaw dropped. The potatoes weren't correct, the carrots were mushy. "Oh well... Hopefully our steak is good!!! I'm sure it will be..." I said, trying to sound convincing. We cut into the steak, and on the count of three, we both tested out the steak. Horrible. We both hesitantly swallowed it. "How was yours?!" I said with a giggle. "It was...." He said while laughing. "Yeah. Mine too. I don't understand!!! This food is always so good. What are we gonna do?!" I asked. He grinned and said, "I have an Idea...." "Ok... What is it?!" "Coffee Ice cream...." He said before laughing. "Hunter... Oh my gosh, why didn't I think of that?! That's perfection." I said with a giggle. We got the check, and waiter looked at us like we were insane when we both said the food wasn't good. We got up and Hunter grabbed my hand and said "Lets get out of here Lovebug." Hunter's POV: We walked out the car and I remembered what Adi gave me. "Kay, I have a surprise for you." "You do?!" "Yep! You have to close your eyes though." I said with a smile. She giggled and said "Ok." I went behind her and grabbed the box with the necklace. I took it out and undid the clasp. I smiled, because it really was beautiful. I moved her long hair to one side of her neck, and put the necklace ok and redid the clasp. I smiled and whispered in her ear, "ok, you can look now." She looked down to see the necklace. She spun around to face me and he was smiling. "You like it?" I asked. She giggled and said, "I love it!!! How did you know I wanted this?!" "Adi texted a picture of it to me, and I told her to grab it for me to give to you." "I'll thank her later... But thank you!! I love it!" "Your welcome Sweety! Now lets go get some ice cream!" "Yummy! Sounds good to me!" Kay's POV: We got our coffee ice cream and then decided to go eat it on the beach. The sun was setting.... It was warm outside. This moment couldn't be more perfect. We sat down on a blanket we brought with us. "Ice cream time!" Hunter says with a smile as he picks up my bowl. "Um... That's mine!!" "I know!! I'm going to help you." Hunter says with a wink. I giggled and said, "ok... Lets see how this goes..." He laughed and picked up the spoon, putting it in my mouth... But purposely getting some all over my face. "Hunter!!! You did that on purpose didn't you?" "No!! Why would I do that.." He said with a little laugh. "Hunter!?" "Ok! Maybe I did do that on purpose..." He said with a grin. I giggled and said, "Why?" "So I could do this..." He smiled as he leaned in and made his lips touch mine. As always, his touch made my heart melt. He pulled away from the kiss, but with his lips still on mine he said, "that's yummy coffee ice cream!" I giggled and we both smiled. "I love you beautiful..." He said with a smile. "I love you more...." "Nope... That's not possible." He said with a grin. After we finished our ice cream, we laid down and I snuggled up close to and put my head on his chest... Listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat. I let out a big sigh of happiness and comfort. This is something I am definitely getting used to. "Comfty?!" He asked with a laugh. I giggled and said "yep!" "Do you want me to massage your back?" "Yes please!!" I said with a smile. I rolled over and my stomach and he started to rub my back. I felt my whole body relax with his touch. "You like that huh?" He said with a laugh. "Yep! I do." I said with giggle. After awhile of Hunter massaging my back, I rolled over, and I got up and sat in his lap. " How did I get so Lucky to have a man as amazing as you to love?" He smiled and said, "I was asking myself the same question about you, Lovebug." I smiled as he leaned In for a kiss. "Do you want go walk by the water?" He asked me. "Sure!" I said with a smile. I took my heels off and left them on the blanket. The water was suprisingly warm as we stood by it. "Should we go in?!" He asked with a grin. "Sure! Why not!! We're crazy right?!" He laughed and said, "You are so right!!!" I smiled and said, "You're gonna have to catch me!!" I started running into the water. He started running towards me. Before I knew it, he was standing in front of me, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. "I got you Lovebug!!" He said with a sense of victory. I giggled and said, "Yep! You did!" All of sudden, him and I started to feel raindrops. "Ahh! It's raining! We should go to the car." "Well," he looked up and said, "it's not thunder and lightening! So we can stay!" I giggled and said, "ok!" It began to downpour as he leaned and gave me a long and passionate kiss... We stayed like that for what seemed like forever... But I didn't mind... And I don't think he did either. This was going to be one of those memories that will never be forgotten. If I could freeze this moment in time.... I would. When we finally pulled away, we decided to dance in the rain. He sang in my ear, "🎶Must be doin' something right... I just heard you sigh.... You leaned into my kiss, And closed those deep blue need you eyes.... Don't know what I did.... To earn a love like this, but baby, I....Must be doin' something right🎶" Once he stopped singing, I said, "Hunter... I love you more than words can explain..." "I know Sweety... I feel the exact same way about you..." Soon after that, we decided to run to the car. I jumped off of him, and I ran to get my heels. "Race you to the car!" I said with excitement. Hunter laughed and ran to try to catch up to me. I managed to beat him.... For once.... But not by much. I opened the door and jumped in the car, slamming the door shut when I got in. He ran around the car to the drivers side and got in. "I finally beat you!!" I said with a squeal. "Only because I let you win!!" He said with a grin. I giggled and said, "Whatever you say!" We took a picture of ourselves with Hunter's phone. He posted it on twitter with the caption; "I'm gonna wish I had a storm warning... I'm gonna wish a had a sign... With @MissKayBlake 💧😘". He put his phone away and intertwined his fingers with mine as we drove home. When we finally got home, the rain was still coming down steadily. We didn't care, we were already soaked anyway. Hunter gets out of the car and runs to my side, opening it quickly. When I get out, I run to the door with Hunter running behind me. I quickly unlock the door and walk to the couch. "Wow! Crazy weather!" Hunter said. I giggled and replied, "That's the thing about Maine, if you don't like the weather, wait a minute." We both smiled and he said, "Ready for bed?!" I yawned. He laughed and said, "I guess you are!" I let out a little giggle. He walked over to the couch and scooped me up in his arms. I rested my head on his chest and he looked down and smiled at me. I smiled back. When we got upstairs, I changed into my sweat pant shorts and Hunter's sweatshirt, with a pair of short socks. Hunter was already lying in bed, checking Twitter for the final time of the night. He looked over at me as I climbed into bed and said "Hey Cutie!" I giggled and said, "Hey to you too! How's the Hayniac Nation?" "Crazy as always!" He said with a laugh. He put his phone on the side of the bed, and rolled over to face me, opening his arms for me to come into. I snuggled up against his chest and he reached over and shut off the light. "Goodnight Beautiful.... I love you so much." I smiled and said, "I love you too." He leaned down and kissed my lips gently. Soon after that, I fell asleep comforted by the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now