All I Ever Wanted: Part 35: A Love Worth Fighting For

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***My amazing Co-Writer and Best Friend, Aja (who plays Adi) wrote this chapter you are about to read!! Enjoy!!***

"Anything worth having, is worth fighting for.... And yes, you're worth it...." -Brandon Buddy

Adi's POV:

I was so happy that Kay and Hunter where back together but whenever Kaylee was with Hunter, Sam was with Hunter, and that I didn't like! Every where I went Sam was there. I didn't wanna see him or talk to him. I know that may seem harsh but he broke my heart and my best friends, and that is unacceptable!

I woke up to the doorbell ringing, but when I went downstairs to see who it was no one was there. I walked onto the step and as I did I tripped over a package and fell onto my back! "Oh god" I yelled. I picked up the package and brought it inside. I opened it up and read the note! It read "I know these are your favorite" I took out the tissue paper and there was a box of chocolate covered strawberries. The only person that knew I liked those was Sam because I am obsessed with them. I threw them away along with the note and I went upstairs to change. I threw on a pair of jeans, my brown boots with a little heel, a loose button up shirt, and I put my hair in a ponytail. I looked at the clock and realized I was going to be late so I ran downstairs grabbed my keys and my bag and headed out the door. School went by really fast, and that's was surprising because my back was killing me from this morning, I missed Kay more then ever, Sam was driving me insane, and my classes were harder then they have ever been! I drove to the hospital to see kaylee! I needed to vent and I knew she would listen. When I got there I went straight to her room an knocked on the door, hunter let me in and Kay said "hi" Kaylee wasn't in pain anymore, she was herself again, but the hospital wanted to keep her for a few more weeks. I didn't say anything and I went right over to her bed turned around and pulled up my shirt to show her the huge, already purple and black bruise! "God" kaylee said "how did you get that?" I told her about this morning and how I tripped on the package and fell on my back. Hunter laughed "I told Sam it was not a good idea to drop that off at your house." "It was Sam, I knew it" I said! "That son of a..." But before I could finish Kaylee said "what was in the package?" "Chocolate covered strawberries" I said. "What did you do with them?" Kay asked "I threw them away." "Adi why would you do that? That's a waste of good food" Hunter said. I left the hospital after about an hour. When I got home I noticed something under the door, so I went to see what it was. I picked it up and opened the envelope, and I read out loud "please Adi, give me another chance" it was signed Sam. No way was that gonna happen. I went to bed around 9:30 when I finished all my homework. The next morning it was raining, what a great way to start my day I thought, and I don't even have an umbrella! I went downstairs after putting on a pair of sweatpants from pink a workout shirt and my TA players sweatshirt. I had some cereal and browsed the Internet. I decided to leave the house around 7:00 for school so I could see some friends in the morning. I was just so happy it was Friday! My phone dinged and I looked to see who it was. It was Kaylee and the text read "TGIF!!!!!! 👍😘❤" I responded with "you don't even know how happy I am 😂❤😘" I opened the door to head out the car and lying there on the step was a Vera Bradley umbrella. It was beautiful and my favorite new pattern, but I knew it was from Sam! I saw the card and picked it up, it read "it's a cold and rainy morning I could drive you to school if you wanted but I know you don't want that so I gave you this umbrella instead signed Sam" I opened the umbrella and ran to the car. Just then it started to pour. I smiled a little knowing that without the umbrella I would be soaked and my hair would be one big frizz ball! I got to school an met some friends. I took a picture of the umbrella and sent it to kaylee. She wrote back right away "let me guess...Sam" she texted "yep." The bell rang and I headed to class. In history-my last class of the day- I decided I'd get panera bread for Kaylee and I and bring it to the hospital so we could have Friday girls night! The Bell rang and I went out to my car. It was still pouring and harder then this morning I think, so I opened up my umbrella and ran. Stuck in between the windshield wipers was a note that was folded up but the ink was running. I couldn't really make out what it said, but all I could really read was "signed Sam." I got into the car and threw the note into the back and headed to panera. I got us soup and sandwiches and hot tea! I then stopped and got some coffee ice cream- mine, Kay's, and Hunter's favorite. I had my computer with me and the movie "the notebook" I figured we could watch it. When I got to the hospital I went to Kay's room and I knocked on the door. No one answered so I knocked again and still no answer. I began to panic and think the worst until I heard Kay's voice coming from inside the room "get a nurse to let you in." I asked a nurse at the desk nearby to let me in, and of course she did. I went inside and said "jeez Kay you had me worried for a minute there, but anyway I have panera and ice cream" Kay shouted "yay, of my gosh you are the best." So we sat down and began to eat " I can't wait till you are out of here" I said "we can go and get massages, and get out nails and toes done." Kaylee said. We talked about school and the classes. Then we talked about Hunter and how he was doing. After about an hour I took out my laptop an the movie. "Whoooo" Kay said "my favorite movie." Kaylee took out her phone and we took a selfie! She posted it on twitter and said "girls night with my girl: Favorite person, favorite ice cream, favorite movie ❤😘👍 @AdiSummers. We put the movie in and snuggled up on her bed. About ten minutes into it an nurse came in "Aja someone left you something at the desk" I followed her to the desk and picked up the little box and walked back to Kay's room. I read that note out loud to both Kay and myself "meet me outside of school tomorrow by the patch of flowers signed Sam." "Wow" Kay said "open up the box, open up the box." I slowly began to open it up and inside was the necklace he had given me on tour, and the same necklace I threw at him the night we broke up on the bus! "Adi" Kay said "yah I know" and that was the end of that conversation. We finished the movie ate our ice cream, and chatted a little more then I headed for home! The next morning was Saturday so obviously no school, but I had to meet Sam by the flower patch at school! I put on a pair of jeans my black high heeled zip up boots, a light blue shirt, my hair down but lightly curled, and my black peacoat, but not buttoned all the way so it's showing my blue shirt! I made some lunch and then headed out. It was over cast an cold! When I got to school I saw Sam's car and then Sam. He was waiting right where he said to meet. I parked m car and got out "hi Adi, you look beautiful" he said "thanks." "Here Adi" he handed me a note, it was folded like all the others! I began to read it out loud "forever and always signed Sam" I turned around to tell at him "Sam I told you" I yelled, but then my voice became soft "Sam I told you I will love you forever and always! I reached up and put my arms around his neck and our lips met. Just then it began to pour so I pulled my Vera Bradley purple umbrella out of my bag opened it up and put it over us. We both laughed, and he put one of his hands on my waist then the other in my hair and we kissed again!

All I Ever Wanted (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic) *** EDITING ***Where stories live. Discover now