Charlotte Ryans

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Charlotte Ryans above

My small T.V that sat in the middle of my room was blasting throughout the whole house. The Ryans household was holding their breath for Percy Jackson, the youngest Olympic swimmer. He was about to win his first gold medal and it was only his first Olympics too! I would have totally gone and watched all his races but this year, the event was hosted by New Zealand and that was on the other side of the globe. Fortunately,  Percy Jackson went to my school. His step-dad, Paul worked there as an awesome english teacher! So I could see him when he came back which would be Friday. 

His windswept, raven hair and eyes the colour of the sea were enough to make any girl look over, but add his chiselled body worthy of a god, Percy was certainly the biggest prize in the pool of single guys. 

My biggest competitor was Kelly Roberts.    

She had a natural tan (unfortunately) but sported dyed strawberry-blonde hair that cascaded down her back in waves. She was, of course, captain of the cheerleading squad and had all the guys crushing on her. She was basically the female Percy Jackson and my arch-nemesis.  

A huge holler woke me from my daydream and I realised that it came form my mother. With a jolt, I turned my head so fast I almost got whiplash. Percy Jackson had done it! At only eighteen years old, the elite athlete had his first gold medal! I started screaming and began jumping up and down in excitement. My back pocket started vibrating and I pulled my sleek iPhone and answered the call.

"Charlie, Charlie, did you see? Percy won!"

I chuckled at my best friend's enthusiasm and began chatting away, "I saw, Katie. And do you know what?" 

"What?" Katie screeched into her mic.

"I'm going to ask him out on Friday when he gets back to school! Wish me luck Katie!"

"Good luck, Charlotte! You're the one he's been waiting for!" 

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At school the next day, the carpark was so full! But I knew Percy Jackson well enough to know he would want to sneak past the paparazzi and into class through the back entrance and at Goode High, we had the best back door for cute guys that are avoiding people. I sprinted through the desolate halls of Goode and skidded to a complete stop. Just as  I was about to turn the corner, I heard hushed voices. I strained to listen while looking around the corner. Black hair, tall, muscly build- that was Percy! But who was he with? 

"Wisegirl, my mum said you can stay for as long as you need."

"Thank you so much, Perce. Helen and dad  are doing a repeat of when I was seven. She keeps yelling at me and he just agrees! Who does that Seaweed Brain? Who does that to their own kid?"

Muffled sobs and hushing noises is what brings me out of my hiding spot but Percy and the blonde girl with him didn't notice me. 

"Shh, Annabeth, it's okay now. We have each other and-"

but whatever Percy was about to say was immediately dropped when he noticed me standing there. 'Annabeth' sniffed and dryed her eyes. "Who are you?"

I coughed, "who am I? Only Charlotte Ryans!" The next sentence I directed at Percy and fluttered my eyes and puckered my lips, "your biggest fan." 

Annabelle looked slightly disgusted but held out her left hand, "well, Charlotte, I am Annabeth. Percy Jackson's girlfriend."  As I shook her hand, something pressed into my palm.

"Ow! What is that?" I exclaimed.

Percy coughed next to Annabeth awkwardly and threaded their hands together. "Actually, Charlotte, Annabeth and I are engaged."

I coughed violently and spluttered into my fist, "what?" 

Annabeth smirked, "honey, it means him and I are bound in a promise of love. He is my fiancé and I love my Seaweed Brain very much. Now we were in the middle of a sensitive topic. I would appreiate it if you left. Goodbye Charlotte Ryans."

Ok so that was my first chapter. Don't forget to send in ideas and characters! How was it?  

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