Frederick Chase- Part Two

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Annabeth and Percy clambered up the stairs, me following close behind, "Annabeth, honey. Please don't go into your room." 

My daughter turned to look at me, disgust was evident in her eyes, "and why not?" 

When I didn't answer quick enough for her, she and Percy clambered up the last few stairs and disappeared from sight. I cringed and froze where I stood. Helen came and stood next to me, a smirk on her face. A few seconds passed before a blood-curdling scream echoed down the stairs. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temple, I looked at my wife and muttered, "this is all your fault." 

Helen shrugged and continued stirring the batter in the metal bowl. Annabeth came thundering down and almost pushed me backwards down the stairs. Tears were running down her cheeks, her grey eyes were scrunched in pain. Percy came round the corner, his fists were clenched and his eyes that were usually filled with a calmness were raging with a rogue madness that scared me to wits end. 

"Why would you do that?" he whispered and descended to Annabeth and pulled her into his chest. I gulped and placed my hand on Helen's stomach. "I had no choice, there were no more rooms to use!" 

Percy stepped forward a little, "you promised her that she would always have a home with you! And you've failed her." 

Helen snarled, "listen here, boy. We are making our family. We shall soon be a family of five. Bobby, Mathew and-" she placed a manicured hand on her stomach, covering my hand. "and little, Anne." 

Annabeth's head whipped up, "you're replacing me?" 

I gulped and wiped some tears away and went to say something but Helen tightened her grip on my hand. I grimaced and stepped into her embrace. Helen smiled at the pair. "Maybe you should go." 

Annabeth growled and stood up straighter, "fine! But I curse this, Anne. I curse her to a terrible life and who knows, maybe she'll be the next oracle."

Helen yelped and stepped back, "I don't want my daughter anywhere near your stupid world!" 

"Oh don't worry," Annabeth snarled and opened the front door, "I'll make sure Artemis knows of her existence. She can be a hunter."

Annabeth waved and gave Helen a blinding smile, so bright it was so fake. "Bye." 

The door closed behind the pair. I slipped down the wall with my head in my hands. "What have I done?"

And through my fingers I saw a glimpse of bronze and an animal leg. 

Who can guess what happened  to Frederick? What is Helen?  Tbh I don't like Frederick's new wife as you can tell from this. I've made her full queen-bitch!

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