Fallon Fallon

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I know what you're thinking right now. Who on earth would name their kid Fallon Fallon? Well, the answer to that is...

I have no clue actually. I was dumped on the back steps of an orphanage when I was one years old. I have no idea who my biological parents are and I certainly don't have adoptive ones. At fifteen years old, no one wants me. No one wants a teenager to take home. Sometimes, when I'm standing in line with all the other girls, a tiny, golden spark of hope blossoms inside of me but it seems that the hope is only there to be snuffed out like a match when the kid to my left is chosen instead.

My only friend in the dirty hovel that is Summer's Orphanage is a small, elvish boy called Jackson. His hair is dark and curly, a mane on top of his head and he has been on crutches since before I can remember.

"Fallon!" I hear and I spin around to see Jackson hobbling towards me, a panicked expression on his face.

"Hey Jackie!" I say, grinning but my smile falters when Jackson doesn't laugh at the hideous nickname. "Jackson, what's wrong?"

"You have to come with me right now!" Jackson tells me and grips my wrist tightly. He drags me down the dingy stairs of the rickety orphanage and out the doors.

"Jackson!" I say, panicking. "What's going on?"

Jackson doesn't answer but mutters under his breath. "I could smell him the whole time... just didn't notice... all in danger."

I bring myself to a stop, pulling Jackson to stop running too. "Tell me what is going on right now!" I say, eyes scanning Jackson for any lies.

"Fallon, you're a demigod, a strong one. One of your parents is a Greek God who are yes, still alive and well today. I'm taking you to Camp Half Blood where you will be safe-" Jackson begins to say something more but suddenly lurches forward, grunting in pain. I catch him, and feel something wet and warm coat my hands.

With a disgusted yell, I pull my hands away and Jackson falls to the ground, limp. I look down at my hands in horror. They are covered in thick, hot blood. I look up and see a creature with two heads and a bow and arrow in his hands. The creature aims again and I scream and hold my hands in front of my face. "Stop!" 

Suddenly, there's nothing. I lower my hands and peel open my eyes. Where the creature was standing moments before was now a pile of golden dust. Like magic, a girl appears from nowhere, holding a cap in one hand and a dagger in the other. "Fallon!" she yells.

I start towards her but she shakes her head and yells, "run!" 

Heart racing, I spin around and take off, running towards the road. As I reach the sticky tarmac, a yellow taxi pulls up and the door swings open. "Get in," voices say and without thinking, I slide in and pull the door closed.

Then, I scream. Three old women sit in the front and only one has an eye. Luckilly, the one who holds the eye is the one at the wheel. "Where are you going?" They say in unison. 

"Um," I stutter and fiddle with my fingers nervously. 

"Oh great!" One of the women snap, "we got a mute." 

The one next to her sits up straighter and whacks the back of her head. "Stupid! We're taking her to Camp Half Blood! The blonde daughter of Athena paid us, remember?" 

The one with the eye grins, her toothless mouth wide. "Alrighty girly, lets go." 

I gulp and sink further into my seat, my future looking as bleak as a blank piece of paper. 

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