Ryan Roberts- Part Two

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"Percy?" I exclaimed, "why are you in a Greek cult?"

Percy looked around warily and dodged my question with one of his own, "can you see anything in that valley?"

I sputtered, "what? Of course! I see archery, fencing- is that a freaking lava wall?" Percy sighed and ran his hand through his messy hair. He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me down the hill. I looked back and screamed bloody murder. "Holy Hell, there's a freaking dragon! Percy, there's a dragon around that tree!"

Percy nodded and sighed again, "yes, Ryan. That's Peleus, he guards the Golden Fleece so no bad monsters can get into this camp. Keep walking." All around me, the grass became greener and the flowers were more colourful and much bigger than normal. About three girls with olive skin weaved their hands in complicated patterns and vines and ivy moved along the ground. Was this a Greek cult and a circus? Percy pointed at the three girls who giggled and waved flirtatiously at him.

"Those are three of the children of Demeter. They do a lot of gardening. They eat most of Camp's cereal stock," said Percy, ignoring the girls completely. My mouth opened and closed like a fish, everything was so beautiful but at the same time so ugly. There were scorch marks on many of the cabins, some of which were being rebuilt. Craters the size of a house littered the edge of the forest and what I assumed

"What happened here?" I asked. Percy got a far-away look on his face and rubbed his face like he didn't want to relive memories.

"There was a war a few months ago, you'll learn about it in the orientation which is now. Ryan, all you need to do is follow this Satyr to the Big House. There you'll get the answers to all your questions. Go."

I wanted to talk to Percy more, ask him more questions but the man with goat legs, a satyr, had already begun walking towards the big house. I ran after him, wondering why they wanted me.

Part Three coming out soon!

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