Cameron Black

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Cameron and Alison above :)))

I closed the folder with a sigh. All the marking was finally finished. I dropped the red ink pen into my pen jar and dusted my hands off on my jeans. Standing up, I plucked my phone out of my pocket and dialled Paul's number. After four rings, Paul picked up.

"Hello Paul, speaking?"

"Hey Paul, it's Cameron," I said. I placed the phone on my ear and pushed my shoulder against it so I could use both hands to pack my briefcase. The cool leather handle was a relief against my sore skin after writing all evening.

"Hey, Cam. I assume you're calling about tonight?" Paul asked and I heard him shuffle around a bit.

"You guessed correctly," I said, laughing. "Is dinner still on tonight?"

"Of course. Is Alison coming? And the kids? I'm sure Percy and Annabeth wouldn't mind looking after them for a few hours." 

I rolled my eyes, digging in my jean pockets for my car keys. Fishing them out, I unlocked my car. "No way. Alison's coming of course but I've hired a babysitter for tonight. I don't want anything to do with them tonight." I said, laughing. Paul chuckled and I heard a woman call for him through the line.

"Gotta dash. See you around seven, Cameron." Paul ended the call and I texted my wife to have the kids in bed for when I got home. I checked my watch. Six thirty. I had time.

Dashing home and changing my shirt was easy, it was getting Jonah and Violet to settle that was the hard part but when we did, it was only six fifty and it would only take fifteen minutes to get to the Blofis household.

Their apartment building was incredibly nice. Paul and Sally could afford it because their son Percy now went to his summer camp all year round and Sally's books were selling like crazy. It was a relatively new block and was tidy and modern. I kissed Alison on the cheek softly and we took each other's hands.

I hummed along to Journey in the elevator and found apartment seven-hundred and five. The door was blue with a silver doorknob and keypad. We buzzed and the door opened almost immediately. Instantly, we were met with the sound of chatter and small talk. "Yum," Allison said, breathing in deeply, "I smell smoked salmon."

I chucked at brought her closer to me by wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Cameron!" Someone exclaimed. I turned around to see Paul and Sally heading towards us, both holding a glass of wine. "So glad you could make it!"  

Sally kissed my cheek and hugged Alison tightly. The two women wandered off and joined conversations with other people. "How's everything going at Yale?" I asked, picking a beer up from a chilly bin. I swiped the excess water off the glass and took a swig.

"Good! The promotion was amazing. I still can't believe Goode put me up for that job." Paul said. He smiled at some new comers but looked back at me. "How'd this years class do?"

"They were one of my top scoring classes I've ever had. I've been very impressed all year. How's your stepson, Percy?" I asked. Paul smiled and turned his head slightly. Percy and a blonde girl were sitting on the couch, cuddled up against each other. He said something and she laughed, hitting his arm lightly.

"He's been very good, actually. The summer camp he goes to has started offering math and English lessons. And other subjects but those two are the only ones him and Annabeth ever go on about." Paul smiled softly as Percy kissed Annabeth gently before pulling away, cheeks flaming red, looking around as if he'd done something scandalous. "He's been through a lot, some of which I or Sally don't even know about and Annabeth was by his side for all of it. She's good for him. They're actually engaged now."

My eyes widened. "Wow, they must love each other a lot."

Paul nodded and went to say something else but was dragged away by a man in a seaside print shirt. I checked over my shoulder on Alison but she was still with Sally and some other women so I started making my way over to Percy and Annabeth.

"Hey congrats on the engagement guys," I said, after Percy noticed me.

"Thanks, Mr. Black. Hey, do you miss me in class?"

Annabeth whacked his arm. "Seaweed  Brain!" She hissed, "you can't ask him that!"

"No no, it's fine Annabeth." I turned back to Percy, smiling. "Class runs much smoother now but I will say that everyone misses your jokes."

Percy grinned and it reminded me of the many times I had to prepare myself for his awfully clever pranks and jokes that happened in my class every day. As I was walking back to Alison, I suddenly knew how much I missed his joyful smile everyday.

Here's a small, cute chappie for everyone!

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