Charlie Ordon

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Sometimes I wondered why Annabeth was friends with me, I mean, I was all smarts and books with no sports. But she, she was sporty, smart and beautiful. With her golden, tumbling locks and articulate grey eyes, her tall, muscular body contrasted with her slim figure. Plus she always stood up for me when Bryce Brian bullied me. Anyway, today as I was walking into class, I noticed Annabeth was wearing a new jumper. It had a school emblem on the front and some white words on the bac that I couldn't see yet. "Hi, Charlie," she said and moved her bag off the seat next to her.

"Hi," I replied and sat down. Now I could see her jumper fully. It was a Goode jumper. Goode was our enemy school and was down the road from us. Why was she wearing a Goode jumper? It also looked a couple sizes too big for her. Maybe she had a brother who went there. Just to be sure, I checked the name on the back. Oh, it must be a sibling's, it had her last name on it in big, bold letters.


"Annabeth," I said, "I didn't know you had a brother."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I have two but-"

Whatever she was going to say was interrupted by the speaker cracking to life.

"Could Annabeth Jackson please come to the office? Someone is here to pick you up."

She grinned and picked her bag up, "catch ya later?" She asked me.

I grinned and nodded like a mad-man. Did I mention I had the biggest crush on Annabeth Jackson? Had she just asked me out?

She basically sprinted out of class, her hair flying behind her.


After class, everyone filled out of class and into the car park as it was home time. I noticed a cluster of students around a gorgeous car. It was grey with blue spikes in the wheels. Then, I realised it wasn't just the car they were crowded around, it was the driver who leaned against the door casually. Her was wearing black shades so I couldn't see his face but his posture showed he was uncomfortable with all the attention. I pushed through the crowd and saw his number plate was jacks0n.

I wandered over and pushed past everyone. "Hello," I said and held out my hand to shake, "you must be one of Annabeth's brothers." The man looked amused and shook my hand.

"And who are you?" He asked. He placed his hand by his pocked and his muscles were taunt. I wondered why?

I thought about it for a second and thought what the heck. I was going to ask her out anyway. "Annabeth's boyfriend, Charlie."

The man, who had taken a sip of water widened his eyes in shock and sprayed water all over me. "Excuse me?" He tousled his black hair and swiped his glasses off his face. He had piecing green eyes that glared at me. "Annabeth is not allowed a boyfriend," he said sassily.

I crossed my arms and replied, "too bad. You can't tell her what to do."

A voice suddenly sounded behind me and made me spin around in shock. "Perce, what's happening here? Charlie?" Annabeth stood in front of me, her arms were full of books. "I go to my locker to get my stuff for one minute and I come back to you two squabbling like chickens!"

"Annie, your controlling, troll of a brother won't let you have a boyfriend! Namely me!"

She scoffed and dumped her stuff in the back seat. "One, my name is Annabeth and two, Percy isn't my brother. Ew."

"Oh, I said, "a cousin then?"

"No!" my angel snapped, Percy Jackson is my husband."

"What? You're so young! Did he force you? I'm calling the police!"

"No!" She slapped my phone out of my hands. "This is why I didn't tell anyone! I was afraid of this reaction! I love Percy and I'm moving to um... Rome. Goodbye Charlie."

I never saw either of them again.

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