Don Walker

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There she was, the most beautiful girl in school.

Annabeth Jackson.

My friends and I always laughed because she had the same last name as five other people in the school. Jackson was very common obviously. Anyway, I have a group of friends who are like me, smart. So, we are considered nerds to the school's popular group. So was Annabeth, although the jocks still pursued her but she always turned every, single one of them down. She told them she had a boyfriend. No one believed her and I think that she's just saving herself for me. 

Annabeth and Don.

Don and Annabeth.

They both have a wonderful ring to it, don't you think? I do. Ha! 

My Annie had beautiful, blonde hair that fell down her back in ringlets and sparkling green eyes. Pretty sure they're contacts though because I saw her putting them in one morning before school. She was in her car and I was in the bush- I mean carpark. Ha, ha. Um. Yeah...

I walked up to her, "hey Annabeth," I said.

She rolled her eyes and folded her papers up neatly, "Hi, Don. What do you want?" 

"A date," I said, knowing she would say yes. "A date with you at the movies. Seven o'clock tonight. See ya later. Beth." 

She slung her backpack over her shoulder and pushed into my shoulder as she left. "One, no thanks. Two, don't call me Beth and three, I'm married!" And she flashed her left hand where a simple ring sat. 

She left the room but I was frozen in shock. My, sweet, sweet Beth. Was married? 

Oh well, just wait until everybody hears about this. I'll be so popular! She'll divorce her stupid husband and come running to me!

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