Ryan Roberts

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Percy Jackson was a god. No really, our swim team- the Goode Whales- was terrible before he came to school. We would lose everything and get teased about our team name but Percy changed all that. Percy came with his black hair and his green eyes and the first thing he did (even if he did it without knowing) was make us all popular. The second thing he did was bring us to third place on the school swimming sports ranking. God bless Percy Jackson. He was a freaking God to the Goode swim team.

"Percy!" I called. He turned from talking to a nature-freak Grover (I didn't know he was friends with that crowd) and walked over to me.

"Hey, Roberts. How's it going?" Percy asked and ran his fingers through his hair.

I laughed, "good, good, Jackson. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with Taylor Jenkins? Word in the corridors is that she's going to ask you out later and I wanted to tell you earlier to make sure you don't look like an idiot."

Percy coughed violently, "excuse me?"

I stared him down, "you heard me," I said.

Percy smiled, tapped his nose then walked away. Whistling a tune as he went. I rolled my eyes. Was he gay?

I pulled my shirt off and dived into the pool. The cool water refreshed me and I swim laps of the Olympic-sized pool. I loved swimming, it was my life. After a couple of hours I noticed a pretty girl walk into the pool. I hopped out. "Hello?" I asked, wrapping my towel around my waist and shook my blonde hair to get the droplets out. "Are you okay?"

The girl finally seemed to notice me and she stepped towards me. "Hi, my names Piper and I was looking for someone. He should be in here."

I smiled and began walking towards the corridors. Piper walked after me, "his name is Percy Jackson. Have you seen him around?"

"Yes, he just went to his last class. Speaking of which, I should be there too. I'll take you."

Piper exhaled in... Relief? "Sweet. Let's go."

I led Piper through the school halls and into English with Mr. Blofish. I sat down in my seat next to Carla Willis. Piper stood at the front of the class and waved Mr. Blofish over.

"Piper!" He exclaimed. That got everyone's attention. It was quite weird for a teacher to know someone like this. I looked over at Percy because Paul was his step-father but Percy was looking at Piper with a grin on his face. Was that a girlfriend? If Piper was his girl, it would explain why he turned down all the hot ones when they asked him out.

The bell rang and Piper finished chatting to Mr. Blofish and Percy leaped up and engulfed Piper in a hug. I took my time gathering my books so I could hear what they were saying.

"Hey, Pipes!" Said Percy, "what are you doing here? Is Camp okay?"

Piper laughed and pulled away from the hug, "Camp is fine but Annabeth is stressed out with designing Olympus and everything."

Olympus? Was Percy in some sort of Greek cult? Piper and Percy left so I decided to follow them. They get in a van labeled Delphi's Strawberries and I quickly hopped into my car. They drove far and parked at the bottom of a hill. The two jumped out, followed by a fellow blonde boy. They wandered up the hill, teasing and punching each other. Piper and the blonde boy ran up ahead and left Percy behind. He yelled something unintelligible and sprinted after them. I got out my car and went after them carefully. I didn't want them to be in any trouble. Suddenly as I came over the ridge, an amazing sight filled my views. It was a campground of sorts. Kids of all ages participated in activities like archery, fencing and... Was that lava? I shook my head in disbelief. What kind of cult was this? Suddenly, someone came up behind me. It was Percy.

Part two comes out soon! What do you want to happen? Is he a demigod or a clear-sighted mortal? Who is his parent if he is a demigod?

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