Andria Blake

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Andria Blake above

I moved swiftly through the crowd of people, trying to see what everyone was gawking at. At  the front, in the middle of the throng of people was a small boy, lying hunched and bloodied on the floor. I began to move forward to help him but someone bet me to it. Percy Jackson scooped the boy up in his strong arms as though he weighed nothing and glared at his attackers- two seniors with blood-coated knuckles. "How could you?" was all Percy said before he pushed through everyone, heading towards the sickbay. The seniors chuckled and waltzed off and I glared at their backs, wishing I was strong enough to do something. So instead, I made after Percy.

In the sickbay, Percy had put the small boy down on a bed and was talking to the nurse who looked horrified Her eyes were wide and her small hands were shaking. Percy heard the door close behind me and spun around. "Do you know that boys who did this, Andria?" He asked me. 

"They were in a year above us, friends of my brothers." I shook my head and folded my arms. "Marcus Fields and his sidekick Calum Brown. Both are idiots who think they own the school." 

Percy sighed and sat down next to the boy. "Gods, I never know why people like Jack, here get bullied," Percy motioned to the boy. 

"Is that his name?" I asked. "Jack?" 

Percy nodded and gave a sort of rueful laugh. "He's my cousin. He only came here because I needed his help with something. It's my fault he's like this." 

I stood and moved over to Percy and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Oh, god, Percy this isn't your fault. How could you have known this would happen?" 

Percy shook his head. "I just should have known." 

And when I looked into his eyes, I saw the eyes of a broken man who truly thought he had to protect everyone he cared for. I saw the eyes of a man whose life revolved around others and their well-being and I saw those eyes shattering with all the pressure and heart-break. 

I didn't say anything else, I just sat down next to him and held his trembling hand as he waiting for Annabeth Chase, his girlfriend to arrive. When she did I saw her embrace him through his armpits and it was then that I realised, she was his support. I smiled and turned back to Jack who was now looking better and was finally stirring from sleep. 

"Hey there," I said gently, "you're alright." 

And it was when little Jack thanked Percy like Percy saved him from death, I knew, Percy was a good man and would forever be someone who would always help. 

LOLOLOL so I haven't updated in weeks (or is it months?) and I feel terrible! But I reached 100K reads and I feel over the moon! I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and has had a happy new year!

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