Melanie Stryder- Part 1

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Mel above

No Mist

A couple of months ago, the world found out that the Olympian gods still existed and hung around 'mortals' or in other words, people like me. My mother and father were against the idea that some mythological creatures debated on our lives. We should get to control our own destinies, not some crazy, old lunatics! At school, I pretended to be a shy, drama nerd when really, my life ambition was to become a Monster Hunter where we hunt down greek monsters and the worst of all- Demigods.

Half Greek god and half human, these things were abominations and needed to be found and exterminated!

Soon, though, I buried those thoughts as my best friend Claire walked up to me, a giant smile on her face. "Hey, what's up?" I asked.

She grinned again, "Percy Jackson and I are lab partners, we're meeting up after school. You wanna come?"

I grinned as well, "um, yes!"

Percy Jackson was the captain of the swim team and damn he was fine. I was actually very surprised when he had what looked like no girlfriend. 

After school we met up at Claires house- Percy was late, per usual. "Sorry ladies," he said as he leaned up against the doorframe to catch his breath, "I got caught up with some family business at home." 

It was such a shame that he still lived with his mum. Well, I didn't know that for sure but family problems always make him late for stuff. Once he was my boyfriend, his mum would just have to listen to our feral sounds as we-


I snapped out of my daydream. "Yes, Percy?" 

"Should we get to studying now?"

"Oh," I stuttered, my cheeks were turning red from my vulgar (yet pleasing) thoughts, "yes, I suppose we should. Let's get Claire and go upstairs."

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