Damon Richards

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Here's your 10K update!!! Thank you all so much!!!!

She was so beautiful. Her hair, her eyes, everything! God I loved Piper Mclean. Unfortunately, she didn't feel the same way. She was always talking about her amazing boyfriend, her blonde 'superman'. But I've seen the pictures! I know his type well! Thinking he's cute with his glasses and smirk, dragging Piper into his pool of love. But Piper doesn't know real love! His love for her is probably an act! I havn't had the chance to talk to her in a while because she's been away from school for a week. Anyway, back to the 'Superman' problem. He's probably ready to dump her at any moments notice! In the corner of my eye, I see Annabeth Chase sit next to me.

'Are you thinking about your crush again, Damon?" she asked, smiling. "Can't you please tell me who it is?"

I met Annabeth at the library and we became good friends even though she doesn't go to my school. She doesn't know Piper and she doesn't know I like Piper and it will stay that way. "Nope. No one knows, not even Sarah so you will not get the privilege of knowing." 

Annabeth grinned, her grey eyes sparkling. Her blonde hair was tied up at the back of her neck, wisps of golden silk framed her face. "Why not? It's not like I know this girl, I'm not going to try keep you apart! At least let me help you get a date with her, I have a friend whose taught me everything on love. You could say she's a love expert." Annabeth laughed at her own joke.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, "what's her name them?"

Someone yelled Annabeth's name and before she could answer my question she leapt up, a grin widening on her features. "Percy!" She sprinted down the hill and into the arms of a tall, black-haired boy. His arms closed around her waist and her feet listed off the ground, he spun her around in happiness. From where I sat, I could still make out their voices. "What are you doing here? I thought you were on a quest with Beauty Queen?"

Percy laughed, "we just got back, she's heading up to the school to get her stuff because she found the demigod and we can go back to camp."

Annabeth whooped and pumped the air before wrapping her hands around the back of Percy's neck and drawing him in for a kiss. Huh, maybe Annabeth would be some help in my quest for Piper. "You go get Jason, I've got something to do before we go. I'll meet you back at the safehouse." She kissed him once more before turning around and running back up the hill. I tried to get into a position where it looked like I wasn't listening. I ended up on my stomach, chin in hands and legs swaying in the breeze. Annabeth gave me a funny look but grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. Wow, she was strong! "Right, I'm leaving soon and I want to get you a date with your mysterious crush before I go!" 

Looking up at the school building I saw Piper's car pull into a carpark. I smirked, "let's go." 

We came up to the doors of the school, still open, even hours after the final bell had rung. I heard a locker being opened and followed the sound. "So, what have I got to do?" Annabeth asked, striding along after me. 

"Just distract her, then I'll swoop in and give her flowers, kiss her then BAM, we'll be dating." 

Annabeth looked skeptic, "um, that's a bit forward don't you think?"

I shrugged, "she loves me really, it's only her 'superman' of a boyfriend who's keeping us apart."

Annabeth's grey eyes widened, "superman? Hey, what's her name again?" 

Before I could answer, she walked around the corner, her bag full. "Piper!" I exclaimed but someone else had said her name as well. With wide eyes I watched as Annabeth jumped forward and ran into Piper excitedly.

"Oh my Gods! How was the quest? Did Percy annoy you to pieces? How many monsters did you kill?" 

"Annabeth? Piper? What? How?" I exclaimed. Annabeth turned to me and snorted.

"This, is your crush? Piper Mclean? Oh my Gods, you have no chance, Damon."  Annabeth laughed and slung her arm around Piper.

Piper stared at me in shock, "how many times have I told you that I'm taken? Jeez, can't you take a hint? I don't even like you!"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I turned on my heel and sprinted into a classroom, collapsing against a wall. My back shook violently with noiseless sobs, tears ran down my cheeks. I hate Piper Mclean! What was once beautiful was now a ugly mess, her eyes were once kaleidoscopes, her hair was once beautiful but now all I see is a monster. A heart-breaking, beautifully ugly monster.

Heyyyyyy! Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm on holidays now and my tests and internals have finished for now! So that was a bit different and please keep sending me those characters and plots because it is becoming incredibly hard to write these without them becoming repetitive. 

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