Kiara White: Part Two

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"Hello?" I called out weakly, "is anyone there?" When no answer came I frowned and peered into the room where I lay. There was a reception desk and various swords and other weapons lying around, discarded. I sat up, the couch where I lay was blue but had red stains on the arm-rests. Gods, I hoped that was wine but I knew that it was a little bit far-fetched to hope seeing as how bad the battle was before I got stabbed. Looking around, I saw a brochure lying on the desk so I swung my legs over the couch and shakily stood. I picked up the closest sword and used it as a cane to hobble my way over to the desk. Picking it up, I read the heading on the brochure. 

Welcome to the Empire State Building

Level One Tours- $67.50

All Access Tours- $135.00 

Why was I in there? Kronos said that the Empire State was where the demigod army had retreated to. Had someone actually saved me and brought me here? Because I was a lost cause. I betrayed them! I didn't deserve forgiveness, I deserved death. Then I thought of Luke and how he tricked me and of all the other demigods who he'd deceived. Silena, Ethan and Chris. Did we all deserve to die? Maybe. Suddenly, footsteps echoed from the hallway and I turned around in shock, dropping the brochure. "Percy Jackson?" I gasped.

The boy frowned, "why did you switch sides, Kiara?"

"Luke tricked me into betraying the Gods. It is something I regret greatly but something I know I must die for," I said and hung my head, "so why did you save me? You could have left me there to die!" 

Percy smiled sadly and steered me back to the couch where he sat down, pulling me with him. A girl rushed into the room, her blonde hair was messy and flying around her face. She glanced at me before rushing to Percy and tackling him in a hug. "Stupid idiot!" she hissed then hugged him tighter, "why would I jump in front of you like that? It's like I knew you were in danger." 

"Annabeth! You're up and about quicker than expected!" Percy exclaimed.

Annabeth glanced at me again, "well I couldn't wait to fight again so here I am. Who's this one?" 

Percy went to answer but I beat him to it. "I'm Kiara White, daughter of Hecate and I betrayed you guys. I went to fight for Kronos but it was because Luke twisted my mind!"

Annabeth smiled sadly, "he's been doing that a lot. I'm Annabeth and Percy obviously saw a reason to haul your dead-ass body off the street so maybe this is your second chance. Everything happens for a reason, Kiara." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, you survived Luke's games so you're stronger than you let on. Not many people come away from Luke unscarred. Maybe this is your chance to redeem yourself to your mother and help us win this battle. I'll see you later. Bye Percy!" 

Percy waved, "don't go getting stabbed for me again, Wisegirl!" he yelled. Annabeth stuck her tongue out and left. Percy turned to face me. "Kiara, you're still wounded so I won't let you fight but if you're with us, you can help your siblings fortify this building. I'll see you around." 

"Ok," I mumbled and lay back down as he left. 

Maybe, just maybe, I can prove I'm not one of Kronos' minions and that I am on the God's side. The soft kisses, the sweet caresses and the moonlit walks can now serve as a reminder. Even the prettiest faces can do the ugliest of things but I will never let anyone fall into Luke's spell again.

For Olympus!

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