Naomi Watts

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The girl could have been the best in my class if she wasn't so severely ADHD and dyslexic. She was wise beyond her years but her disabilities stopped her. I've told her time and time again to try harder, that she's not being the best she could be but the stubborn girl argued that she was only at her best when with her boyfriend who at the time is apparently out of the country on an errand for his uncle. I didn't believe her. Like many of the students in my class (word travels fast) I thought that she was lying about her boyfriend. How could a girl with no proper family ever have someone?

Annabeth was in the teachers handbook, a disappointment.

"Who can tell me what the greatest era was in history?" I asked, tapping the whiteboard with my pointer.

Amy Whitburn's hand flew into the air, her eager eyes peered at me through her black-rimmed glasses. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth raise her hand lazily into the air. She looked bored, tapping the desk with her fingers impatiently.

"Yes, Chase?" I asked.

"Greece," she answered in a drawl.

Amy snickered looking back at her group of friends. I smiled amusedly to myself. Crossing my arms I questioned her about it. "That's wrong Annabeth. The answer is Rome. Rome is the greatest era in history."

Amy laughed out loud this time, "that's for sure. Greece did nothing but give us silly myths that no one cares about."

Annabeth stood up, her seat fall backwards. Her hands were curled into fists on her desk. "How dare you?" She seethed, "if you wanted facts you should have specified but you asked me what I believed to be the greatest era in history and I believe it is- was Greece. You are a foul excuse for a teacher and I don't need your mess. Goodbye Miss. Watts."

Chase stormed out of the class. I went after her. "Come back here you silly girl! You will have nothing without knowledge!"

Annabeth spun on her heel, "I have everything I need. A home and a family. Knowledge was just a plus that came with me when I was born."

A boy with jet-black hair ran round the corner, turning his head and peering into each corridor and classroom as he ran. It looked like he was looking for something. Maybe he was my new student?

"Young man!" I called, "follow me to your new classroom!"

Annabeth looked at who I was talking to and her face lit up. "Percy!" She yelled and barrelled into his arms. He hugged her for a few seconds before kissing her forehead gently. Annabeth glared at me before walking out with they boy who I supposed was her silly boyfriend.

I never saw Annabeth Chase again

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