John Lenny

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John Lenny above!

This is the 2K reads surprise update!

Ever since Annabeth showed me the photo of her boyfriend Percy Jackson I knew he wasn't the one for her. The man in the photo was wearing a black hoodie with grey swimming trunks. He was extremely well built with muscles in his legs and probably a great set of abs beneath the jumper. He had black hair that looked like it had never seen the receiving end of a comb  and his bright green eyes were full of many emotions. "This is my boyfriend Percy Jackson," Annabeth had told me. I did express my concerns after she told me how many schools he's been kicked out of but she just laughed and waved my concerns away like his criminal record meant nothing. I was like her protective older brother and this boy most definitely called for my help. 

"Annabeth, he could be dangerous!" I exclaimed, but again, Annabeth Chase just laughed and shook her head. 

That was a few months ago now. Today, it was July 12th and Annabeth's birthday. I planned to surprise her so when she texted me the address of her place, I texted back, telling her I couldn't go. My uncle from Iceland had unfortunately passed away and we had to make an emergency trip there to ge to the funeral. Annabeth was very understanding and texted a reply of, that's terrible. I hope you can your family is ok. 

That afternoon, I clambered out of the yellow cab and ascended the flights of stairs to her apartment. I pulled her neatly wrapped gift out of my school bag and held it out in front of me. I knocked on the door. A few seconds later a woman opened the door. The apron she was wearing was covered in a light dusting of flour and she looked like an awesome mother. I wondered why Annabeth complained of her step-mother so much if she looked like this? Well, appearances can be deceiving I suppose. The woman looked at me in confusion. "Hello?" she said.

"Hi!" I exclaimed, "my name is John and I'm here for Annabeth's birthday but she doesn't know I'm coming."

The woman smiled, "Right! I thought you were in Iceland?"

I laughed, "no that was actually a little lie to make her think I couldn't come."

"Oh! I'm Sally Blofis, by the way. I'm Percy's mother. Come in, come in. Percy and Annabeth are asleep so that gives up time to set up the decorations!" 

"Okay," I answered and followed her into the apartment. Why was Annabeth here if this was Percy's mum? Why did she send me this address when I asked for the address of her home? Sally began hanging more blue streamers up then pointed to some silver, unopened ones sitting on the bench.

"Be a dear and hang those ones up for me, please? Just a few more touches to the cake and we'll be done!" she said and pinned the last streamer up and walked to a cabinet where she brought out a magnificent cake. It was round and a velvet blue colour. Sitting on top was a figure of a woman in a greek dress with an owl on her shoulder and next to her was a man in beach getup and a trident.

"Nice cake," I commented as I began pinning the silver streamers, making them weave through the blue ones.

"Thanks," replied, Sally. She then wrote happy birthday Annabeth, on it in swirling silver icing. She dusted off her hands. "Lets go wake them up."

I started walking back down the hall and admired some of the photos hanging on the wall. Some were of Percy with Sally and another man and some were of Percy and Annabeth. I had to admit, some were very cute but I still didn't like this Percy guy. "Let's split up," I said, "you go get Percy, I'll get Annabeth."

Sally looked confused, "they sleep together," and she gestured to a room. I looked inside to find Percy and Annabeth sleeping together, holding on to each other like they were each other's lifeline. The blanket was pulled up to their chins and their intwined ankles popped out from the end of the bed. I was immediately sure that Percy was no good for Annabeth and that I was right all along. He looked incredibly possessive of her. His grip on her waist was tight. 

"She didn't tell you?" Sally asked. I looked at her in confusion. "They both get awful nightmares. They're the only people that can calm each other down. Sleeping together is the only way either of them can get any sleep," Sally pulled the cover off the pair, "besides, it's not like they're doing anything."

Although Annabeth was in sweats, she shuffled closer to Percy in her sleep to keep warm and he tossed around for a second, still not letting Annabeth out of his death-grasp. Sally counted from three on her fingers. Together we yelled, "surprise! Happy birthday Annabeth!" 

Annabeth woke with a start, she started to fall off the bed but just as she was about to hit the wooden floor, Percy had somehow caught her. He pulled her to his chest and hugged her. Kissing her forehead he mumbled, "good morning, Wisegirl. Happy birthday."

Annabeth gazed at me, "I thought you were in Iceland?"

I laughed, "I lied. Happy birthday. Here's your present." I handed her the package and she placed it on the bedside table. Percy still hadn't let go of her and she snuggled closer to his chest. 

"Hey, Seaweed Brain?" she mumbled, fatigue creeping back into her voice.

"Yeah?" Percy mumbled back. His voice was muffled as his head was buried in her shoulder when he answered.

Annabeth wrapped her arms around his neck and straddled him. "Never let me go."

Percy kissed her gently, "never."

Maybe Percy was the right guy for Annabeth after all.

OMG the feels! I love writing cute Percabeth stuff for you guys, especially because you got me to 2K?! Thank you so much!

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