Kiera Hollow

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Kiera above

I weaved through the crowds of my new school. Moving from Whakapapa in New Zealand to New York city in America was the biggest change in my life. I left all my friends at home and sold my farm for a small apartment near the school. Mum got a new job and we had to move despite my efforts to dissuade her. Any who, I reached the school's office and tapped the silver bell. A lady with crisp, white hair swayed into the office. "Hello, deary," she said cheerfully, "welcome! Here is your timetable. I assume you're Kiera Hollow?"

I nodded, "uh yes, Miss." 

She nodded and handed me an envelope which I assumed held my new timetable. I peeled it open and threw the white slip into the bin and opened my timetable. My first class was History with Mr. Hamish in room 25. Just as I zipped my bag up the bell rang and a blonde girl with startling grey eyes sprinted into the office. Her hair was ruffled and I noticed her trying to tuck her school blouse back into the skirt. I smiled slightly and waved to her as she came close to me. "Hi!" she said, "my name is Annabeth Chase and Mrs. White here asked me to show you to your first class. I have History with you too." Annabeth beckoned me to follow her and so she and I descended into the jungle of students rushing to first period. "So," Annabeth said, starting conversation, "what is your favourite thing to do in summer? I like swimming at the beach best." 

I smiled and memories of frying up steak and veges on a barbie filled my mind. It was almost tangible and I grinned when the memory of myself and my friends dancing away in my room, blasting Lorde away. Proud of that special Kiwi. But then the heat of the subway from this morning invaded my mind and my smile fell away like the leaves in autumn. "I liked playing on my farm back home," I said an Annabeth rubbed my back comfortingly. 

"Where are you from?"

"Aotearoa," I said, "the land of the Long White Cloud." 

Annabeth smiled and just as we were about to step into room 25, she said to me, "it's a beautiful country. I've always wanted to go." 

"Thanks, Annabeth." I went and found a seat to sit in and put my bag on the floor. 

Mr. Hamish floated into the class and began writing on the whiteboard. "Mythology." He said, "is the foundation on which our society was built. You want to blame something on society? Read up on the past, you'll find your answers. Good morning, class. I am Mr. Hamish and I will be your History teacher this year. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are all ready to come back to school." 

Some students at the back of the class groaned and whispered something. The boy with blonde hair snickered and mimed shooting his head with a finger gun. I rolled my eyes, how could someone be so rude? Then, the same blonde boy waltzed up to Annabeth and placed a hand on her shoulder. I wondered briefly if the two were a thing but the thought was quickly banished when she threw his hand off and glared daggers. "What do you want, Josh?" she demanded in a whisper. Mr. Hamish had his back to us, writing something on the board.  

"You," he said smoothly and flicked his hair. Again. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to writing notes, not very bothered because Annabeth doesn't seem like the kind of girl who falls for a hot guy with one hair flick and a wink. I heard Annabeth scoff and dismiss him with a threat to cut off his balls. I almost laughed. 

The teacher turned back around looked at all of us. He frowned and said, "let's start with Greek mythology. The basics are always the best place to begin." 

I looked over at Annabeth, expecting to see her with a pen in hand and her grey eyes alert and ready to drink in the knowledge, instead I found her, pale as snow. Mr. Hamish continued his lesson and about fifteen minutes in he got to the underworld. 

"Who can tell me each of the different rivers in Tartarus?"

I saw the blonde guy raise his hand and smirk, probably thinking his knowledge of the subject would win Annabeth over but Annabeth was starting to shiver now. She looked like she was about to have a panic attack. Mr. Hamish pointed at the egotistical blonde boy, "yes, Josh?" 

Josh smirked. "The rivers in Tartarus are the The Acheron, the river of woe, The Cocytus, the river of lamentation, The Phlegethon the river of fire, The Styx the river of unbreakable oath by which the gods swear, and The Lethe, the river of forgetfulness." 

Just as he finished speaking, Annabeth started screaming bloody murder and began convulsing in her chair. Mr. Hamish looked up, panic written on his face and yelled at Josh, "Go get Percy Jackson, from social studies! Now!" 

Josh hesitated. "What can that swim jock do that I can't?" he said and went to touch Annabeth but Mr. Hamish almost chopped off his arm. (Figuratively of course.) 

"No!" he screeched, "Mr. Blofis warned me that this might happen and if it did someone must go get Percy Jackson! So got get him, Joshua!" 

Josh muttered something but ran out of the classroom. Annabeth was still screaming and I covered my ears. A minute later, a boy with black hair rushed into the room, Josh not too far behind him. Out of he corner of my eye I see all the girls in the class give Percy doe eyes and I realise every single one of them has a crush and I then realise why Josh didn't like the swimmer so much. Percy took all of the girls away from him, even if it was unintentionally. 

Percy want close to Annabeth and picked her up. He hugged her close to his body and muttered sweet nothings and promises in her ear. Slowly, her screams died down and she opened her grey eyes. She moaned and clutched him closer to her, sobs wracked her body. Percy looked at Mr. Hamish. "I think I should take her home, sir," he said. Mr. Hamish nodded weakly and let them get out the door. Josh stared at the empty space angrily before storming back to the gaggle of girls at the back of the class.

I smiled. Annabeth seemed to be in good hands. 

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