Jace Williams

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Jace above

Horrible, cliche plot ahead! Read at won risk of wanting to throttle said character-

I dusted my hands off. The last of the unpacking had been finished, all the empty cardboard boxes were stacked in the corner. My wife, Jessabelle, came up to me and kissed my cheek. "All done, sweetheart," she said and then gave me a quick, chaste kiss on the lips. Anything more would have been too much, too unlawful. Jessabelle and I believed that you should never show public displays of affection as it was disgusting and that kind of love should be kept for special ocasions or at home at least. We got married at a respectable age of thirty-five, dated previously for an acceptable five years and only now at the wise ages of forty, we are considering a child. Sometimes when I saw the teenagers these days holding each other too close etcetera in public I wanted to march up and smack them on their heads and march them straight home and demand that their parents punish them accordingly. I smiled at Jessabelle and patted her shoulder.

"Let's go greet our new neighbors, Jessabelle," I suggested and got the keys to lock the house, "do you have the cookies I told you to make?"

Jessabelle held up an acceptable container of wheat and oatmeal cookies, "made them when you were searching for the closest church. They're the healthiest recipe I had, our neighbors  will love them."  

I smiled and petted her shoulder again, "well done. Let's go, Jessabelle." We walked out, locked the door, turned around and came face-to-face with our new neighbor. This really was a small apartment building. I knocked three times. The door swung open and a woman who looked to be in her late thirties looked at us. Flour dusted her apron and she had a smudge of blue in her hair. I crinkled my nose but quickly put on a smile. 

"Hello!" said Jessabelle happily, "we just moved in to the apartment opposite you and we wanted to pop in and meet you guys properly. I'm Jessabelle and this is my husband, Jace. Here are some respectable, healthy cookies." 

The woman looked wary of us, why I wasn't sure but soon smiled and waved us inside, "of course! I'm Sally Blofis and I live here with my husband, Paul but right now Percy and Annabeth are here for dinner. You two are welcome to join, I accidentally cooked too much!" 

Percy and Annabeth must be her children, young, maybe pre-teen since Sally seems quite young and I wondered why the two didn't have a nanny to keept them in line but I kept my mouth shut and walked inside. Walking through, I couldn't help but look into one of the rooms. On the bed, covered with sheets was a teenage boy and a girl. Their limbs were tangled together and both seemed to be fast asleep. The girl who had curly, blonde hair was wearing a tank-top but the boy was shirtless, I could tell because the sheet only covered their torsos. "Sally!" I exclaimed. Sally turned to look at me, confused.

"Yes, Jace?" 

"There are two teens lying in one bed! Awake them at once!" I exclaimed and looked at them in horror.

"Oh, they're just Percy and Annabeth. I'll wake them when dinner is ready. The two need their sleep," Sally answered. Jessabelle and I were flabergasted. 

"You let your children sleep in the same bed at that age? How old were you when you had them anyway?" Jessabelle exclaimed. It seemed she had come to the same realisation about them being siblings too at the door earlier on. 

Sally looked at us cooly, "oh no! Percy is my son, Annabeth is his wife and I was-" but she didn't get to finish.

"They're married?" I roared. This caused Annabeth to stir and she sat up and looked at us in confusion with blurry, sleepy eyes. "That's it!" I exclaimed and rushed forward into the room, grabbed Annabeth by her arm and dragged her out of the room. "Come, Jessabelle!" I ordered and began marching out of the apartment but Annabeth wrenched her arm out of my grasp.

"What the Hades are you doing?" she yelled and slapped me across my face. The sting caused me to rear in anger.

"Saving you from this place! A girl should not be married at your age!"

Annabeth just scoffed and marched into Percy's open arms. He must have woken up during the fuss. He stroked her hair and whispered sweet-nothings in her ear. Sally stared at me in disbelief. "What the heck was that, Jace? You can't go around grabbing women like that. You know what? get out of my house!" 

Percy glared at me, his green eyes were swirling with hate, "if you ever touch her again I will file an official police complaint," he spat. A rumbling began, it shook the whole building. Suddenly the sprinklers popped on and sprayed on us violently. Screams echoed from the whole apartment block so I assumed that it was happening everywhere. I glared at the young couple and saw Annabeth look at Percy with cautious eyes, she combed her fingers through his hair and slowly he turned away from glaring at me and stared at Annabeth with adoration in his eyes. The sprinklers switched off and the rumbling stopped. Jessabelle grabbed my arm, I looked at her. She looked panicked.

"I can't believe you let them get married!" she spat in Sally's direction, "this will end badly! how old are they anyway?"

"We're both twenty," Annabeth answered and flashed a brilliant ring with a sea-green stone in the middle and their names engraved on either side. I scoffed and pulled Jessabelle out of the cursed apartment.

"Go to hell!" I hissed.

Percy stepped forward and pointed out the door, his eyes were swirling with many emotions, "we've already been," he said and slammed the door in our faces. I heard him lock it behind us. I turned to Jessabelle.

"We're moving." 

Lolololol that was cringe. I wrote it at night. Her where I live, it's boiling hot so I can't sleep and it's half-past eleven at night. Whoops. 

Please, this was not meant to offend anyone so please tell me if it did! So that was the very, very, very, annoying Jace Williams and his irritating wife, Jessabelle. Tell me what you thought of them and what ways you want to kill them right now!  

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