Don Walker- Part 2

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Don above

#408 IN FANFICTION 02/02/17

Some of you may remember this guy from early on in the story :)

I walked into class the next day, a smirk on my beautiful face. Ever since I found out Percy and Annabeth were married, I knew I finally had an edge on the couple that I could use for blackmail or ultimate embarrassment. I also knew that when people knew that I was the one who found out, they would worship me! I would finally be popular! So, I ditched my nerd friends, got hot over the summer break and came back to school in my dad's fancy sports car. Already, my plan was working. 

Suddenly, before I sat down, Savannah Scardiff's hands were all over me. "Hey Don," she purred, batting her eyelashes, "when did you get hot?" 

I threw her a glance, disgusted. The only girl who could ever touch me like Savannah was, would be Annabeth Jackson. I pushed Savannah off me. "Sorry, Savannah, but I already have a girl in my life and it's most definitely not you!" 

Savannah scoffed and strutted back to her clique at the back of the classroom. A few seconds later, just as I sat down, the classroom door swung open again and Annabeth walked inside and took her seat, two rows down from me. 

I leaned forward and wolf-whistled. "Hey, Beth," I said softly. When she turned around to find whoever said her name, I winked and pointed at her. "You, me, my house. Tonight." 

Annabeth rolled her eyes and bent down to rummage in her bag, clearly flashing her diamond ring that sat on the wrong finger. I figured she was just trying to hide the fact she was married from the rest of the school because she was embarrassed. "Shove off, Walker," she muttered as she sat up straight again. 

I smirked, knowing she was just playing hard to get. "Okay," I said smoothly, and winked, "whatever you want... Babe." 

Annabeth swung around and glared at me and I almost flinched but I'd spent so much time watching her from outside her house- I mean, outside the school, that I'd grown used to the glares and they practically didn't have any effect on me anymore. "Gods, you're so infuriating!" Annabeth growled loudly which caught the attention of our classmates around us.

I stood up slowly, wagging my finger in front of me, clicking my tongue disapprovingly. "Oh no, no, no, Annabeth," I said and sauntered over to her desk and placed my hands on her shoulders. I leant down to her ear. "Unless you want everyone to find out you're married, I think it would be best for you to play along." I whispered. 

Expecting Annabeth to tremble in fear, I leant down to brush my lips against her cheek. Instead, she threw her head back against my face with force. I fell to the floor, wailing and clutching my nose in horror. "You witch!" I yelled nasally. "I got a nose job for you!" 

Annabeth's eyes swirled with hate and anger and strength. She walked up to me until she stood over my crumpled, pathetic body. "If you ever, ever, threaten me again, I will end you." 

The silence in the classroom was deafening. All eyes of every, single pupil were on me. Savannah and her group of girls laughed silently at the back and my old nerd friends looked at me with disdain. I wailed and hit the ground with my palms. Suddenly, I knew it was time to let the secret drop. Annabeth was out of control. 

"Annabeth is married!" I blurted out from my position on the ground. Gasps came from every corner of the room and suddenly Annabeth was the one being looked at. I shakily stood up and pointed at her. "Yes," I said, nodding, "Annabeth Jackson, someone you thought was a golden girl has married someone." 

Some people's faces convulsed in disdane while some shrugged and laughed it off but I was not done. "And I-"

Suddenly the door swung open and a teenage boy ran in, face red, phone in hand. He glanced at Annabeth. "You called?" 

Annabeth yanked the boy with black hair towards her and kissed him. When she pulled away she pushed him in front of her body. "This is Percy Jackson," Annabeth said and switched the ring from her index finger to her ring one. "And he is my husband!" 

She pointed at me and murmured something in Percy's ear. Suddenly, his eyes swirled with absolute hate and he stalked towards me. "If you ever, make a move on my lovely wife again," he hissed. "I will end you."

And then the pair left the room and I made a mental note. They even threatened people the same way. 

They were some crazy people, that was something I knew for sure. Then I turned to Savannah. "Looks like I'm a single man after all," I said and opened my arms but she scoffed loudly and turned her attention to Jack Turner instead.

I screamed inside my head. Everything was ruined! 

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