Lucy Edikos

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Lucy above

Thanks to neverfadingstars who gave me this idea! It was fun to write and I'm sorry about how much I changed it! Thanks millions :)

I groaned and dragged Percy down the hall. "Please?" I begged and waved the flyer in his face. He grimaced and shook his head. "You know you want to, Perce! Please, it will be fun!"

Percy groaned and rubbed his face with his hand, "Gods, Lucy, you know I can't! I have tutoring this afternoon with my girl-"

I groaned again and shook his shoulders. "You're so smart already, Perce, you don't need tutoring!"

Percy began walking towards the school doors, shrugging my hands off his broad shoulders. "Lucy, the only reason I'm passing all my tests is because I'm being tutored. If I miss one session, my grades will fall again."

He passed through the doors and bounded down the steps of the school, me following closely behind. "Please?" I begged, scrabbling at his Goode Swimming jumper. Percy sighed and finally stopped moving. "Please?" I asked again and pouted.

Percy sighed and grabbed the flyer out of my hand. "Fine, I'll go to the stupid school fair."

I leapt up and down in joy, clapping my hands. "Yes!"

Percy glared playfully, a small smile appearing on his face. "But only if I can bring a plus one?"


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None of my friends knew, but I had the biggest crush on Percy Jackson, in fact, I would even throw the L-word into the mix. When he came back from his family holiday to Greece and other places, he had totally changed. He barely talked, barely ate and all his old friends didn't get near him. Then one day, everything changed. He got dropped off in a grey sports car and was all smiles and laughter. He came up to me at lunch, said,

"Hey. You're Lucy right? I'm Percy."

And we'd been best friends ever since. Over time, my feelings of friendship had grown into something stronger, something more and I knew in my heart that he was meant for me. Fate brought him to me and I alone fixed him. He was my soulmate.

I sighed, pulling a crop top over my head. I flattened it over my denim skirt. Now I was ready. Today, at the graduation seniors fair, I was going to take Percy onto the ferris wheel and right at the top, I would kiss him. I only hoped that he loved me back. I'm sure he did.

I stuffed my phone into my jeans, suddenly wishing I could text him but Percy didn't have a phone. He said something about his lifestyle not allowing him to get one or something. I walked downstairs and yelled out to my mum who was cooking in the kitchen. "Mum, I'm off to the fair!"

She looked up, grinning and waved as I closed the front door behind me.

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Percy wandered up to me, hands in his pockets, looking forlorn.

"What's up doc?" I asked, nudging his shoulder gently. He glanced down at me (being way taller than me) and smiled slightly. The smile didn't reach his eyes.

"I have something I have to tell you, Lucy. It's important."

I felt myself growing excited. Maybe he was about to tell me he loved me? "What is it? Percy, you can tell me anything."

"I just want to say for the record that you're an amazing girl and an awesome person and-"

My eyes grew wide and I barrelled into him, hugging him tightly. "Yes! I love you too!"

A few seconds passed and Percy didn't wrap his arms around me like I thought he would. In fact, he pushed my arms away from his torso and stood back, holding me at arms length with a curious expression on his face. "What?"

I gulped and tried to hug him again. "I thought you loved me?" I asked quietly when he stepped back again, refusing me.

He gulped and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way towards you. I'm sorry if I led you on."

I hung my head. Percy didn't love me back. This was quickly turning into the worst day of my life. "Then what were you going to tell me?" I asked softly, looking up at him.

"My girlfriend Annabeth has bought a place close to our summer camp. I'm moving there with her tonight. I was going to say goodbye and tell you that it had nothing to do with you. Ever since Annabeth told me to find a friend, I've been so much better with everything. In fact, she's the reason I wasn't closed off to everyone the whole year."

Oh God, I didn't fix him, he never wanted to be friends with me! I was wrong all along. And now my heart was broken. I looked up at Percy and into his green, beautiful eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek softly. "Bye," I whispered and turned around. I walked away.

Once I was far enough away, I turned around to see Percy spinning a blonde around. He put her down and swooped in and captured her lips with his. Annabeth.

I sighed and left the fair, leaving all feelings for Percy Jackson behind.

This was a little thing given to me by a reader. I can't remember who it was so if you recognise the plot, please comment down below and i'll add your name to the beginning of the chapter.

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