Mr. Mclean

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Piper Mclean above

My daughter was bringing some friends from her Summer camp over for the day and I needed to make the best impression because she never brought other friends over so I assumed they just didn't like me. I just finished telling my workers to clean up my artefacts that I've collected over the years and to polish my extensive movie collection- all ones that I was in of course. The doorbell rang. I ran for the brass double doors at the entrance of my home.

"Pipes!" I exclaimed, "you're looking well."

Piper blushed and gave me a quick hug. "Dad, these are my friends. Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel and Frank."

I smiled at them. They all looked like very responsible, educated people. They would be good for Piper, maybe they would help her get through her stealing phase though I did get a sweet car for Christmas one year. "Would you like a tour of the house?" I asked curiously. The friends looked at each other then looked to Percy, like he was the leader. Percy looked to Annabeth. The blonde nodded so Percy smiled.

"That would be great Mr. Mclean," he said, "though Pipes did say you had a great statue collection. I'm sure Annabeth would love to see that first."

I nodded my head, glad someone could appreciate statues as much as I did. I led them through the maze of rooms and hallways until we came to a set of red double doors with cursive gold handles, A plaque read Statue Room. 

I waved them inside, opening the doors. "This," I said, pointing to a marble statue, "was the first statue I ever bought, it is called A Winter's Bite but this one is my favorite." 

Everyone had a look of wonder except for one, Percy had gone as white as a sheet. It was like he'd seen a ghost. I brushed it off, maybe the statue of the squid scared him. 

Jason walked around the statue, taking it in hungrily. I laughed on the inside, this one was always a crowd fave because of how life-like it was. Whoever the artist was had a talent for catching the life of a person and setting it in stone. "What is it called?" Hazel asked, leaning into Frank's side.

"The Poker Player," I answered proudly.

Percy fainted. 

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