Erika Jane Davis

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Erika Jane above

delancey_delacroix thanks for your suggestion!!

Walking out of my cabin, I stretched, breathing in the crisp morning air. The sound of chatter filled my ears and my gaze followed the cobbled path to the dining pavilion where demigods that (like me) woke early every morning to avoid the breakfast rush. At my table, the Dionysus table, sat my one brother- Castor. He was eating alone, glancing at the Hermes table longingly. That table was almost too small for the group of demigods that were sitting there, joking around and having a good time. Sometimes Castor wished he could be like that- have a family like that but our dad didn't do much mingling with the Mortals. Pollux, Castor's brother had died in the Giant War before I had even arrived at camp.

"Hey Castor," I said and sat down opposite him, "how did you sleep?"

"Good," he replied quickly and lifted the forkful of food to his mouth and said nothing more.

Rubbish. He'd hardly slept at all, I'd heard him mutter and mumble at night, heard his heavy breaths as the night closed in on him. Heard his heart speed up as the fear of demigod dreams crept up on him like a Hellhound.

I smiled sympathetically at my brother and reached up and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Wisps of my coal-black hair floated softly around my face and my lips (which always looked like they were stained with wine- thanks genetics) pursed in a soft pout. "See ya later, bro."

Castor smiled and kept eating, waving at an Athena boy as he walked into the pavilion. As I wandered out I spotted a certain daughter of Athena sparring with a certain son of Poseidon. "Annabeth! Percy!" I yelled and waved madly over at the couple. Annabeth waved back, grinning. She kissed Percy and ran over.

"Erika! Guess what?" she asked, her grey eyes glinting in the sunlight.

I hummed in thought, "let's see... Percy proposed?"

Annabeth laughed and shook her head. "Keep going!"

"Um, you and Percy are retiring to New Rome?"

Scoffing, Annabeth shook her head, "not yet. Guess again. I'll give you a clue, it's about Grover."

I gasped, any news about Grover- good or bad was good news because he'd been away for so long protecting a group of five demigods who unfortunately hadn't been found at the time they should have been. "Tell me!" I exclaimed. By now, Percy had made it over and slung an arm lazily over Annabeth's shoulders.

"Grover's back," he said and shrugged, "Chiron didn't want to make a fuss so he came in late last night. The five demigods are all children of Aphrodite and they were all born at the same time so they're like twins, but there's five of them."

Annabeth laughed, "thanks for that totally accurate description, Percy but yes, they're pretty weird. Even for us."

"Where are they now? What are their names?"

Suddenly, I hear giggles and a group of five identical blonde girls come walking over to us. "Hi cutie," one said, batting her eyelashes, "I'm Ashely, these are Arabella, Alisha, Alyssa and Alina. Daughters of Aphrodite."

Annabeth frowned and out of the corner of me eyes I saw her grab Percy's hand protectively. I turned to face the five girls, hands on hips. "What do you want?

The one of the left, (was it Ashely?) smirked and stepped forward. "Honey, we are just loving the view here so you can take your tacky hair and screwed-up nails out of here," she looked at Annabeth, "you too, honey."

Annabeth growled and lunged at the girls but Percy grabbed her hoodie just in time. She was flung straight back into his chest. "You little..."

The one with purple lipstick growled and pouted, "why do you get the fish boy? He's cute and I want him."
The girl's sister closest to her let out a cry of annoyance and turned to her with a glare.

"Why do you get the boy, Alisha? That's so not fair!"

Alisha retorted with the grunt and stamped on her sister's foot violently.


I stepped forward until I was almost nose-to-nose with Ashley. "Listen here, your mother spend years trying to get those two together and she loves them more than she loved all Paris and Troy! So step off and go find someone else to bug!"

They all pouted fiercely, it was like there were mirror copies of each other. Annabeth placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "We got this, Erika. Thanks for your help," she whispered in my ear. I shuffled to the side, crossing my arms, glaring at the five girls who glared back just as fiercely. Annabeth flung her infamous evil glare onto the girls and they cowered like dogs. "Excuse me but my friend is correct. Aphrodite loves us, doesn't she Percy?"

Percy blinked a few times before nodding. "Yeah, uh sure. Loves us, like adores us." 

Ashley glared but didn't leave. She stood her ground. "I want him."

"Well," said Annabeth, "you can't have my boyfriend!" With that, Annabeth grabbed an unsuspecting Percy by the belt and pulled him into her. She crashed her lips onto his and kissed him with as much love as she carried for that boy (which is a lot).

The sisters, one by one, began to finally get the picture and left leaving only Ashley standing there. "Fine. Take him, I never liked seafood anyway."

This was an idea sent in by the user tagged above. If you want your idea posted like this just send it in the comments or directly to me! Happy reading!

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