Frederick Chase- Part Three

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Frederick Chase's POV

I leapt up, eyes wide. "What are you?"

Helen smirked and twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, "your wife? What else could I be?" She laughed and walked towards me, Helen embraced me tenderly and I felt her smile.

Suddenly I couldn't remember what I was just thinking about, all I knew was that Annabeth had left- and it was probably for the best. Helen was my priority now and along with Bobby and Mathew I had a whole house to take care of. "Maybe it would be best if Annabeth didn't come back," Helen suggested. Her voice was so soft and compelling, I found myself nodding.

"I'll call her now. Make sure she knows," I answered and pulled out my phone then stopped, "she doesn't have a phone."

Helen scoffed," what teenager doesn't have a phone?"

I thought about it for a second then remembered what she told me. "Demigods can't have phones because they attract monsters."

Helen scoffed again then waved her hand, "go to her silly camp and tell her then. She's not wanted here anymore. Come home right after."

I found myself nodding and a voice in the back of my head was screaming, telling me something was off about Helen, but I shut it out because that's what Helen told me to do. So I walked all the way to Annabeth's demigod camp and waited while a small girl went to get her at the base of a pine tree. 

"Frederick?" Annabeth questioned, as soon as she saw me. She lent against the tree and stroked it fondly before turning her full attention to me. "What are you doing here?"

I grimaced when she addressed me by my name and not dad but knew she had her reasons so I let it go. "Helen told me to come here to tell you that you are not welcome at home anymore. Helen has told Bobby and Mathew that your talks on the phone etcetera are also not wanted. Helen told me that you are not my daughter anymore," I said, then turned around on my heel to go straight home like Helen told me to.   

"Hold up!" Annabeth yelled and I struggled to stop my legs from moving. Odd

"Yes? I really have to get home, it's what Helen wants," I said. 

Annabeth cocked her head and looked back at the camp in worry. She looked back at me, "you seem to be doing a lot of what Helen is telling you. Everything okay? Helen, okay?"

My mind flashed back to the image of Helen with the weird feet and sharper teeth and I begin to suspet but suddenly her words drift back into my mind like a stream. 

Your wife? What else could I be?

The image vanished and I dismissed it as a dream. "Everything is fine, Annabeth. Go back to your silly camp and don't come close to us again," I spat, Helen revolving in my brain. All I could see was her hair, her eyes and hear her requests. Nothing mattered more than Helen, that's what she said. 

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