Sophie Workworth

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Now onto a happier meeting!

Sophie Workworth's POV

I stumbled through the barrier an into Camp Half-blood. The satyr that had brought me here was gone. He sacrificed himself so I could get to camp safely and I didn't even know his name. A camper with blonde, curly hair and stunning grey eyes walked up to me. "Hey sweetheart," she said, "are you ok? Where's your guide?" 

I sniffed, not wanting to cry again, "he's gone. The scary monsters got him," I whispered and surged forward and wrapped my arms around the girl. She stumbled backwards, shocked but eventually bent down so she was at my level and returned the gesture. 

"hey, hey, it's alright. I'm Annabeth, what's your name?" she asked, leaning back and looking at me.

"Sophie, I'm nine. Who's your parent? Goat-boy explained everything to me on the way," I asked. Annabeth smiled sadly and grabbed my hand. We began walking down the hill towards a big house at the bottom of the clearing.

"My mum is Athena," she replied, "I think your mum might be her too."

"But, 'Beth, my hair isn't pretty and blonde like yours," I said and reached up to let a strand slide through my nine-year-old fingers. Annabeth picked me up and ran her fingers through my glossy, brunette hair.

"You don't have to be blonde to be an Athena kid, besides, I think your hair is really pretty!" Annabeth exclaimed. I blushed pink and looked away from her. "Here you go, Sophie. Chiron can take you from here." Annabeth put me down and I watched her rush into the open arms of a boy with messy, black hair. He held her at at distance and scrutinised her. For a few moments he did this and caressed her face softly with one hand while the other rested on the side of her neck. 

"So beautiful," I heard him say before he pulled her into a hug. His arms wound tightly around Annabeth and he rested his head on her shoulder. They stayed like that for a few minutes and I watched with a smile. As the horse-man guided me towards the house I wished that I could one day have a love like theirs. 

AWWWWWWW IM IN LOVE! What do you guys think? More adorable Percabeth moments? 

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