Elizabeth Castellan

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Elizabeth Castellan above

For Yadhira_A here is your Elizabeth!

The monster in front of me exploded into golden dust and crumbled into my shoes and clothes. I frowned in disgust and wiped the dust away. "That was for Luke," I said lowly to the dust as it was carried away by the wind. It didn't reply.

My story, as some of you may be wondering is actually very simple. When I was younger, I adored my big brother. I would do anything he said. And, I did.

When our mother started going bonkers, Luke told me to run and to find others like us. So I ran, but I didn't find any others. Instead, before I could actually look for any others, I was found by a rickety old orphanage on the corner of Browning Street. It was there that a strange man came to me in my dreams. He told me of the Gods of Olympus and how I was a child of one.

His child.

He was Hermes.

He told me of how Luke was going to be in trouble one day and how I had to try save him. And so for all those years, I was fighting my way through monsters and monsters to try to find wherever Luke was.

And one day, I found him. But not like I wanted to.

*** *** *** ***

I sprinted out of the petrol station, my arms full of food and essentials I would need for a New York winter, the store owner behind me. He yelled loudly and probably dialed the police but I was already gone, disappeared into the shadows.

Once I was sure I was safe, my face broke into a grin and I laughed happily, tearing open a packet of salt-and-vinegar chips I'd taken. Munching loudly on the chips, I didn't hear footsteps until it was too late.

"Hello?" A voice said. "Are you alright?"

I yelped and jumped in fright, chips went everywhere. A blonde girl stepped out of the shadows, her grey eyes watching me cautiously. "Hi," I said and picked my celestial bronze knife Hermes gave me up off the concrete.

The girl with blonde hair like mine eyed the knife and pulled out her own. "That's like mine." The girl with grey eyes looked up at me. "You're like me."

I sighed in happiness, finally, after years of searching had I found another demigod like me. "I'm Elizabeth," I said, sticking out my hand. "Elizabeth Castellan."

Suddenly, the girl's hand that was holding mine stiffened and she looked at me, eyes wide. "What?" she breathed. A strand of her hair fell from her ponytail but she made no attempt to move it.

I chuckled nervously, suddenly nerved by her feral expression. "Elizabeth Castellan." I said again.

"Oh God's," the girl said and teared up suddenly. "You look just like him."

My head whipped up so fast, my heart began beating frantically. "You knew Luke?"

The girl nodded sadly. "My name's Annabeth Chase and yes, I did know him. He was like my brother." Then her voice chocked up and she hid her head in her hands. "He was a hero."

Suddenly, her devastated expression, the tears and the past tense clicked into place and my body went slack. My knife fell to the ground with a clatter. "Is he dead?" I asked softly.

Annabeth nodded sadly and all the strength left my body. I would have fallen to the pavement if Annabeth had not caught me first. The last thing I felt was the salty tears falling from Annabeth's grey eyes before everything went black.

*** *** *** ***

After I woke up in Camp Half-Blood's infirmary they let me see where his body was buried and where his shroud flew in the wind.

Throwing my head back to the sky, I opened my mouth and...


And fell to my knees.

And grabbed a fist-full of dirt over my beloved brothers grave.

And wish I'd never run away.

And cursed the Gods for the pain they'd caused me.

and another question for all you amazing readers and voters and commenters!!!
who is your fave singer rn??

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