Phoebe Spirit

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So sorry this is uber late but here is your character! imagine_isabel

I hurried to class, my books clutched close to my chest. The black-rimmed glasses contrasted greatly to my multi-coloured hair that was tied tightly in a high ponytail on top of my head. My strange, colourful eyes darted around behind the lenses, watching everything go past in a blur as I ran. 

Pushing the door open, I almost jumped into my chair as the bell rang. I sighed in happiness as I knew I wouldn't get a tardiness detention for the fourteenth time in a row. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, grinning when I saw who the message was from. 

"Annabeth!" I squealed as the blonde scholar strolled into class. She glanced up from her odd phone, a content smile on her face.

"Hey Phebes! What's up?" 

I stuck my phone in Annabeth's face grinning broadly. "See?" 

Annabeth threw her arms around me in excitement. "He finally texted you?" She exclaimed.

"Yes!" I squealed again and did a little jig in my chair. 

Suddenly the sun came out from behind a cloud and shone brightly into the class through the large windows that covered almost the whole left side of the room. And then there was a blinding light that seemed to come from near me, so bright everyone in the class yelled in fright and in pain as the light blinded their eyes. 

When the sun went behind a cloud once more, I uncovered my own eyes to see Annabeth staring at me with wide, astonished eyes. "Iris," I heard her mutter as she shook her head in amazement. 

"What?" I said in shock, "was that?" 

"You." Annabeth said plainly and grabbed my hand tightly. "We have to get out of here." 

"What?" I said again as my friend dragged me out of class, blasting past the teacher who was walking through the door. Mrs. Guthries yelled at our retreating backs in surprise. 

"Come back!"

But we were already stumbling down the front steps of our school, Saint Parsons. 

Annabeth whistled and hailed a yellow cab from the entrance to the school and soon we were zooming down the main road. Catching my breath, I faced Annabeth with shock written all over my face. "What is going on?" I asked breathily. 

Annabeth's voice was stern. "Now don't freak out, Phoebe, but you're not all human." 

My eyes widened. "Am I part animal? Part lizard?" Then my heart jumped. "Am I like spiderman?" 

Annabeth winced. "Not so much." At my pleading eyes she sighed and placed her hand on my leg softly. "You're half god, Phoebe."

I think that if eyes could fall out of your head, then mine would have. Part God? What? I was like Heracles?

Silence ensued and Annabeth took to typing furiously on her phone. Soon enough, the cab screeched to a halt at the bottom of a large hill. The cabbie turned around, bemused. "Are you sure this is where you want to be, Miss?" 

Annabeth nodded and waved her hand vaguely. "Thanks." 

She pushed the door open and stepped out. I bum-scooted over to her door and clumsily made my way out. 

Annabeth pointed up and motioned for me to follow her as she began walking. "Once you round this hill," she said, "you're life will change." 

I gulped and looked ahead, suddenly nervous of what was to be. But I followed the tall blonde girl who told me I was half God and turned my back on my old life. Forever. 

Did any of my reader see the video of that basketball players eye getting poked out of his socket? Super gross! I think I was in shock afterwards!

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