Michaela Tassell

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Michaela above

For tassell-fangirl once again, I am so sorry this is late but I hope you like it!

"So, where did you live before camp?" Percy asked as we lounged in the uncomfortable chairs in english class. I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"I told you last week Percy," I said and laughed loudly when he frowned "Fine, fine alright I'll tell you again. Dork." 

Percy grinned and rested his head on his hands that were back of his chair. His green eyes sparkled in delight.

"I was born in Melbourne in Australia and lived there until I found a small colony of demigods and legacies. The colony was well hidden and it was almost impossible for monsters to find us. The demigods there also never left the colony, it's why so many legacies were born and survived."

"The colony was commonly referred to as Hera's Place because so many children were born out of many marriages and it was in Hera's Place that I learnt about my heritage. I learnt to fight and how to utilise my powers as a child of Demeter."

"But one day, word of your war against Kronos reached us and a son of Ares decided he did not want to fight on the Gods' side anymore. The son of Ares broke Hera's Place's protections and hours later we were invaded by thousands of monsters and creatures of darkness." 

I gulped and looked up at Percy who was listening intently. No matter how many times I had told him my story, he always listened as strongly and as intently as he did the first time. Percy nodded slowly. "Go on," he said softly.

"There were few survivors," I whispered, "I had to say goodbye to my dad and five siblings and my beloved Outback to come here, to Camp Half-Blood for my own protection. It was there," I said, smiling now, "that I met all my siblings and best friends."

Percy leaned back, sighing loudly. He whistled lowly. "What?" I asked, tilting my head. 

He studied my face with his green eyes and smiled softly. "It's just nice knowing that everyone has a story. I tire of people acting like I'm the only one." 

"Oh Perce," I said and took his hand in mine. I smiled at him sadly. 

Suddenly the classroom door swung open and a blonde boy with a mischievous smirk glided into class. "My Aussie babe!" he called loudly, grinning. He swooped down and kissed me briefly. He turned his head and spotted Percy sitting opposite me. "And my favourite son of Barnacle Brain!"

Percy chuckled. "I would watch the way you speak, Ed. I wouldn't want to get blasted into sea water."

Ed chuckled and took the seat next to me, grabbing my hand. "Are we heading back to Camp this afternoon?" He asked me quietly.

"Yes," I answered, narrowing my eyes, smirking. "But you just want to see the Stolls!" 

He grabbed his chest in mock horror. "Can I not just want to spend some nice quality time with my gorgeous girlfriend? Those brothers of mine can wait!" 

I laughed loudly as the bell rang and people began to file into class. I leant over and ruffled Ed's dusty blonde hair affectionately. "I love you weirdo." 

Ed's lips split into a large, toothy smile and he kissed my forehead softly. "I love you too, Wheat Girl." 

So this was a cute fluffy chapter for you all! I will be finishing my Dream Cast in a few chapters so look out for that! 

Now for a question...

What TV shows are you all watching at the moment?

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