Harry Potter- Part 2

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Connor Jackson above

"No, Lily, it's swish and flick," Harry said, groaning. "Not wave your wand around like a maniac."

James and Albus stood to the side of the Potter house's dueling room, making their feathers float up and down effortlessly. James poked his tongue out in our direction. "Well maybe if you didn't take Lily to America for a holiday then she wouldn't be struggling this much!" 

Ginny glanced in her eldest son's direction and frowned. "Hush, James," she scolded and went back to reading her books. "I still don't know why you insisted on this room in our house, Harry," she said. "I don't even see why Minerva put in a good word at the Ministry to let our children use magic outside of school. It's unfair!" 

Harry grinned and chose to ignore his wife, instead going over the simple charm with Lily again. 

Lily stomped her foot childishly and threw her wand to the floor with a clutter. "I can't do it!" She yelled and rushed out of the room, head on her hands. Ginny glanced at Harry and pursed her lips. 

"Merlin, Harry," she muttered, shaking her head. "Why do you push her?" 

Ginny left the room and went after Lily to find the front door wide open. Ginny swore and began running but soon came to a skidding stop. Just by their front fence was Lily and the boy from America. Connor Jackson. 

Connor lifted his head and saw Ginny standing in the doorway and waved. "Hi ma'am!" 

Ginny smiled. "Hello Connor." She walked down the patio stairs and stood next to Lily. "Are your parents here? Surly they don't let you wander England alone too?"  

Connor grinned and shook his head. "No, they're coming." He looked back and sure enough, two forms were appearing in the distance. A man and a woman, hand in hand walked towards them. 

In a matter of minutes, Percy Jackson and his wife Annabeth were standing next to them. "Hello again!" Annabeth said in astonishment, grinning at the red-head woman. 

Ginny responded with a hello and hugged the American woman gently. Percy peered around before looking at Ginny curiously. "Is this your house?" he asked.

"Yes it is," Ginny answered and saw Harry coming towards them out of the corner of her eye, James and Albus behind him. "I'm sure you remember Annabeth, Percy and Connor, Harry," Ginny said, taking her husband's hand. 

Harry nodded. "Sure I do," he said, eyeing Connor warily. Then he pulled James and Albus forward. "These are our two sons James and Albus," Harry explained. 

Connor and James exchanged hellos but Albus shuffled behind Ginny slightly. He was always the shy one in the Potter family. 

"What brings you to England?" Asked Harry

Percy grinned. "A monster hunt." 

Ginny gasped. "What?" 

Annabeth laughed and slapped her husband lightly. "What he means is we are here visiting family. His cousin Nico and his husband Will moved here a few months ago." 

Ginny smiled widely. "Well you'll all have to come around for dinner one night then. We'd be glad to have you all round."

"Thank you!" said Annabeth, "I'm sure we'd love to pop around." 

Suddenly, Harry gasped and looked around frantically. "Where's Lily?" 

Percy chuckled and pointed down the road to where two figures were walking, in a deep conversation. "I'm sure Connor won't let anything happen to your daughter, Mr. Potter." 

Harry grumbled something under his breath while Ginny swooned slightly. "Awe, Harry," Ginny said quietly, grinning. "They would make the cutest couple!" 

Ginny glanced at Percy and Annabeth. "Would you like to come in now? I'm sure they'll be back soon." 

Annabeth nodded and all four adults and two children made their way inside the Potter home. Ginny and Harry were both content in thinking everything magical would be missed by the muggles and their awful ability to be able to overlook anything strange. 

Boy were they surprised when Annabeth suddenly screeched, staring directing at Kreacher the house-elf. 

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