Charlize Cameron

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So a while ago I was asked by an awesome reader my21falloutdiscos  to do another cliche 'girl is in love with Percy' story so here it is! Also, this is your 60K update! That's so amazingly insane! Also number 2, Sharpay Evans is my soul creature.

*** **** *** *** 

Walking down the hall and ruffling my dirty blonde hair, I knew that all the boys were staring. Grace, my best friend ran to catch up. "Hey babe! How was the weekend? Did you go to that party?" She asked, popping her gum between her teeth. 

I smirked and nodded, remembering every detail of the street party clearly...

Opening my front door, I was greeted with loud music and the chatter of loads of people. Every year, our whole street has this party thing, where everyone gets together and shares food. All the kids usually get together and ditch because the adults are so boring but this year, I was going to stay the whole night. 

The reason? 

Percy Jackson.

He was hands down the hottest boy in school with his messy black hair and his orange shirt that he always seemed to wear. His green eyes sparkled like the ocean with rays of sun, shining down. Whenever I closed my eyes, I saw him and I walking hand-in-hand through the school. We would be a damn good couple, everyone thinks so. We would be like a puzzle. We would fit perfectly. 

"Charlize!" Someone called. I was snapped out of my day dream and peered down my porch steps to see my neighbor, Laura waiting for me, phone in hand. "Hurry up! We're all leaving!"

I skipped down the steps and brushed past her, making sure I bumped her with my shoulder. "Sorry, hun. I'm staying this year." I said. Laura gasped and grabbed my wrist. She yanked me around so I was facing her. "Ow!" I cried. Already fading, the red marks on my wrist tingled and stung but Laura placed her hands on her hips and glared at me.

"What do you mean you're not coming? We're all going to Jedd's house! He has booze and better music than these idiots," she gestured to all the adults and small children around us.

I pursed my lips. "I don't care. Besides, I have a killer hangover from Cassidy's party last night. I don't think I can handle anymore alcohol. Move over, Laura. I'm not going." 

Laura frowned and began typing furiously on her phone. Probably to call off the party, I mean, if I wasn't going to be there, it wouldn't have been much of a party then anyway. With one last fleeting look, Laura flounced off down the path.

With Laura gone, I started looking for Percy. Soon, I spotted that black mane of hair in the crowd. I swiped another layer of pink gloss across my full lips and popped them, eyeing Percy with a smirk on my face. I pushed through the crowd of people and soon could see his whole beautiful body. His usual orange shirt hung loose on his slim swimmer frame and black nike sweats hung low on his hips. 

"Hey!" Percy exclaimed, waving. My eyes snapped up. He stared right at me, still waving his hand enthusiastically. I grinned and waved back but I was suddenly pushed to the side. A girl with brown hair and swirling eyes pushed past, waving at my Percy. 

"Percy Jackson!" she yelled, a grin stretching from ear-to-ear. The two hugged and I narrowed my eyes, lowering my hand. My cheeks were burning red. 

Percy grinned and let go of the mystery girl. "Piper, how are you? Where's Annabeth?"

'Piper' smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Percy frowned and stuffed his hands in his pockets. I glared at Piper's back and decided to make my move.

"Hey Percy! Who's this? Are we still on for studying tonight?" I spoke fast, not letting Percy get a word in. "Great! See you then," I winked and walked off only to hide behind a drink stand and watch the drama unfold (hopefully). Unfortunately, Piper just began laughing at Percy's bewildered expression. 

"Who was that?" she asked, still grinning. Percy shrugged and my mouth fell open.

"I don't really know," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I think her name is Charlie or something and all my friends at school think she's hot but I don't really know her that well." 

My heart stopped. My breaths drew in sharply. He didn't know who I was? But everyone knew who I was! I stomped out of my hiding spot and back over to the pair. Piper glanced at me and grimaced. "Gods I thought you left," she moaned and folded her arms

"My name is Charlize!" I hissed, pursing my lips. "And you will date me!" 

Percy chuckled and widened his stance slightly, folding his arms over his chest. "What? Sorry to disappoint but I have a girlfriend. Plus with your attitude, it's a wonder you have friends"

 My blush deepened and I stomped my foot childishly. "Ugh!" 

Piper laughed then pointed down the road and nudged Percy with her shoulder. "There's Annabeth, Aquaman. Go get her." 

Percy looked at me one last time with his magical green eyes then blinked and spun round. Walking through the throngs of people was a beautiful blonde girl. She walked with long strides with her long slim legs and the crowd parted for her like waves. Her grey eyes landed on Percy and it was like time stopped around them. Percy surged forward and so did she. The met in a passionate embrace and came spinning and crashing down to the pavement. Gasps echoed from partygoers and everyone turned and watched as the couple lay on the pavement tangled in each other's arms.

"Annabeth," Percy whispered into her shoulder, his voice was shaky, like he was crying. "Never go on another solo quest ever again. You hear me, Wisegirl?"

What was a quest?

Annabeth nodded, tears dripped down her cheeks. Percy raised his hand and gently wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb. "I love you Seaweed Brain," she said and kissed him gently before burying her head in the crook of his shoulder. 

I frowned. Why wouldn't he love me?

So here is the (late I am sorry) 60K update! For the user above who requested it, the twist is that Percy didn't need Annabeth to save him from a desperate popular girl like he usually does in these plots. Hope you all enjoyed! 

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