Lacey Williams

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Lacey above :)

Just a note, I published a chapter after Nico so go to the chapter before Nico to read it. It's full of drama and really long so it's worth it!

Mum knocked on the door of the house and a woman opened it warily. She was very beautiful for an older woman and had flour on her apron and through her hair. "Hello?"

Mum beamed and held out her hand, "Sally Jackson, it's so good to see you again!"

I was majorly confused, like Team Gale or Team Peeta confused. How did mum know this woman? Who is she?

Sally paused for a moment before her eyes widened in realisation, "Kira Williams? Is that you? You're a week early!" 

Mum laughed and hugged Sally affectionately, "the flights were messed up so we had to leave in a hurry and had no time to call. Then when we landed I figured you always liked surprises so here I am!"

Sally pulled us through the door, dusting herself off. "I'm so sorry, this place is a mess. Percy's girlfriend just moved in so there are boxes everywhere. I actually don't live here, I'm staying for about a month to help the two get settled in." Sally explained. The hall was lined with family and friend photos as well as a gorgeous rustic table along the wall. Mum nodded but I knew she was confused. Sally's son couldn't be that old so why were his girlfriend and him already owning a house? They seemed to be moving too fast. "Percy!" Sally called, "Percy, my guests have arrived!"

A boy with gorgeous black hair and sea-green eyes stumbled into the hall from the room at the end of the corridor. He was covered in grey paint. He looked so shocked and embarrassed. Percy waved timidly before disappearing into the room again. When he came out a few seconds later he was dragging a beautiful blonde girl by the waist. She also was covered in the paint. It was spread throughout her hair and splattered on her clothes. She giggled and walked forward.

"Hi," she said cheerily, "I'm Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend. You must be Kira and Lacey, right?"

Mum nodded and shook her hand, still smiling. I just nodded my head in a form of greeting, not wanting to get paint on my clothes. "Hey," I said.

Annabeth walked backwards to stand next to Percy. He whispered something in her ear and she retaliated by stamping on his foot. She crossed her arms, looking victorious as her boyfriend bounced around on his good foot, cradling the one Annabeth stepped on to his chest. "Ow, Wise Girl!" 

I looked at mum. This was going to be an eventful holiday. Is Percy okay?

Sally chuckled before saying, " come, I'll show you around the place." I went after Sally and turned a corner into the kitchen but not before taking a glance behind me.

Annabeth's arms were wrapped around Percy's neck, kissing him gently. He responded by pulling her closer to him, getting two handprints on her back. He opened his eyes, saw and grinned into her lips. She slapped the back of his head, never stopping the kiss.

This was going to be a great holiday

That was a cute, adorable short one for you guys!

Now I have a challenge for you. In the comments below, complete this OC form.

Demigod or Mortal?:
Age and Personality:
Meeting Percy or Annabeth?:
Story line:

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