Sofia Delgada

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"Please?" I begged. Annabeth laughed and shook her head.

"No way! I hate museums! Plus, I'm leaving town with Percy later. We're going to New York, remember?" 

"Yes," I said and hung my head. Annabeth had told me a few months ago that she and her 'boyfriend' were leaving town to go live in New York. Apparently Percy had his own place there and Annabeth thought it was best to go be with him. I hated the idea. And knowing Annabeth, I knew that there was something more than just wanting to go. I'd known Annabeth Chase for over three years now and she told me everything. I would absolutely know if she had a boyfriend and wanted to move. Besides, Annabeth loved it in California. She told me countless times how much she adored the place. If I was being honest, I thought that her supposed 'boyfriend' was a freak who was blackmailing her into leaving. I had actually thought of calling the cops many times.

"Besides," Annabeth said, "without me, you could try talk to Chris for once?" 

I smiled, Chris was my crush, and he had been since I was seven but since Annabeth joined the school, Chris had only eyes for her. "I suppose," I said but flung my arms around the blonde, "but I'll miss you so much! Don't go!" 

Annabeth laughed and patted my back awkwardly. "Don't worry, Sofia. You still have everyone else, besides it's not like I'm dying or anything." 

Annabeth would think I was crazy for telling her, but I could have sworn that a flash of doubt came into her eyes when she said that. "Right, of course not. We can video chat right? Everyone video chats these days!" 

Annabeth frowned, "actually we can't. The place where Percy and I are going, there is a strict no-no policy on any kind of technology. We could get in huge trouble, it's like... a matter of life or death." Annabeth laughed but there was no humour in her voice. I stilled and a chilling thought entered my mind.

What if this Percy guy was going to kill her and she was trying to tell me? 

"Can I meet him?" I blurted out suddenly. I slammed my hands over my mouth and cursed my stupidity. I was expecting Annabeth to turn white and stammer that no, I couldn't but to my surprise she smiled and nodded her head. 


After school, Annabeth and I waited under a pohutukawa tree for her boyfriend to pick her up. I kept sneaking glances at Annabeth, to try find any trace of fear but she had her head buried in a book. "Annabeth," I whined.


"Are you sure he's real?"

Annabeth closed her book with a snap and clambered to her feet. She was frowning. "Gods, why is it so hard to believe? Am I so unlikable you assume that no guy would want to be with me?" Annabeth stormed down the steps and began running when she saw a white car pull into the carpark. 

I sprinted after her, I had to save her from her murderous boyfriend. "Annabeth! I screamed. I got to her before the mysterious driver had got out of the car. I bent over and caught my breath before standing up and venting my worries to my friend. 

Annabeth looked shocked and almost amused. Her eyes flicked to someone behind me and I swallowed and turned around. An insanely handsome man stood behind me, dwarfing me with his height. He chuckled and winked at Annabeth before turning to me. "You think I'm a murderer?" he queries. I gulped. The man was extremely intimidating and his eyes sparkled with humour.

"Um, for a little bit yeah, but then no, and now definitely no and uh, you're very big."  

The man chuckled again and held out his hand. I grasped it gently. His hand covered my own and it was riddled with fading scars and marks. He shook my hand and wrapped an arm around Annabeth. She grinned at me.

"Sofia, this is Percy Jackson. My boyfriend." 

I said something that could only be something along the lines of hidfh. Annabeth laughed and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around me. "Bye, Sofia Delgada. It's been a pleasure knowing you." 

My eyes teared up, "why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"

Annabeth smiled ruefully and tightened her grip she still had on my hand. "Because I am." She and Percy got into his car and drove off, leaving me with my tears and ghostly memories of a best-friend who I never really knew at all. 

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