Tayla Brown

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Tayla above


"Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top come tonight, Annabeth?" I begged, clasping my hands together. The blonde thought about it for a moment before shaking her head.

"Sorry, Tayla but I just don't do sleepovers anymore. I've got responsibilities at home and terrible nightmares." Seeing my confused expression she added, "my friend and I went through some bad times and the nightmares are just repercussions of those times. I'm sorry, Tayla, but I can't come." 

I groaned and rubbed my face in exhaustion. Tonight was meant to be a surprise birthday party for our friend Nina Hayes and I wanted it to be a great night. Annabeth was Nina's good friend and it would hurt her so much if Annabeth wasn't there. "C'mon Annabeth, it's Nina's birthday party. Isn't there something that helps you sleep?"

Annabeth looked thoughtful, her grey eyes turned misty like she was thinking of something good. "There is something that helps. Can I bring it tonight if I say I'll come?"

I jumped up and down, clapping my hands. "Yes! You can bring your whole family if that is what helps you! I really don't care! Oh my God this is going to be amazing!" I squealed and lunged forward to capture Annabeth in a huge hug. She patted my back awkwardly and pulled away, smiling.

"See you all tonight," she said and swung herself into her car. She revved the engine and sped off, leaving (a happy) me in her dust. I squealed again and yanked my phone out of my back pocket and texted everyone-

Hey all! Annabeth is coming tonight! Remember, no one say a single word to Nina or I swear I'll cut your hair while you sleep!          -Tayla xoxoxo

Later that night, as the guests flooded into my house, Nina texted. My eyes widened in shock. "Shoot! Everyone!" I screamed as loudly as I could. Everyone stopped what they were doing, whether is was starting the snakes (how rude) or placing their presents on the table and looked at me. "Emergency! Nina is going to be home from swimming early! She's five minutes away!"

Chaos followed. People ran around screaming, looking for places to hide. A blanket was hurriedly thrown over the presents and the snacks were hidden inside cupboards. Once it was deathly silent and everyone was hidden away in corners and behind shelves and sofas did the doorbell ring. I looked at Sophie in confusion. Who could it be? Nina wouldn't ring her own doorbell. I stood up with shaking legs and tip-toed over to the door. I peered out the little peep hole and sighed in relief. I opened the door to welcome Annabeth and a boy inside.  "Hide, you two! Nina's going to be early!" 

Annabeth got a cap out of her pocket and smirked she ran around the countertop and ducked down. The boy stood awkwardly at the door, left alone by Annabeth. "Hi," he said and held out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Percy. Percy Jackson."

"Hi," I said and pushed him towards where Annabeth ran, "go hide! Nina will be here any moment!" 

Minutes passes when suddenly, footsteps could be heard from outside. Nina opened the door and walked inside. There was no mistaking her bright pink hair anywhere! "Surprise!" Everyone yelled and jumped out of their hiding spots. Nina let out a squeal and began grinning.

"Oh my Gods! Guys!"

"Happy seventeenth birthday Nina!" I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around my friend. 

"Wow! You organised this, Tayla?" She asked, looking around the room in awe. I nodded and she gave me another hug. Suddenly she screamed because Annabeth appeared out of nowhere right next to her. I rubbed my eyes. What? Never mind, she must have run up when I wasn't looking. "Beth!" she yelled and hugged the blonde girl. "How's mum? How's all the siblings back home?"

Annabeth smirked and answered, "rebuilding from the you-know-what but everyone misses you!"

Sophie looked between the two in confusion. "You two are sisters? What?" 

Nina laughed, "It's complicated," she said and looked around the room. "Let's get this party started!" 

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

"Night everyone!" I called out. The room was strewn with sleeping bags and mattresses. Most of the party guests were staying the night. All the boys were in one room and the girls were in another. I dragged Annabeth from the spare room and made her sleep next to me and Nina. She was sleeping then, with no nightmare in sight. I was beginning to think that the nightmare excuse was just something she made up to get out of staying over. 

An ear-piercing scream woke everyone up later that night. Annabet hwas pulsing and thrashing in her sleeping bag, tears were rolling down her cheeks and her mouth was wide open, almost like it would split apart. People tried to wake her but she just lay there, trapped in her sleeping bag, screaming. "What do we do?" I screamed, grabbing her shoulder and violently rocking her back and forth. She wouldn't wake. 

"Percy!" Nina yelled, "Percy Jackson get in here right now!" The boy who came with Annabeth oushed through the crowd and kneeled next to Annabeth.

"What are you doing?" I hissed and pulled him back as he was about to touch her.

Percy glared at me and ripped his hand away. "Let him be, Tayla," Nina whispered, "they're fine." Percy stroked Annabeth's hair and pulled her up into his lap. Getting a better look at him he didn't look like he'd slept at all. It was as if he knew this would happen so he stayed up all night, waiting for her to need him. Slowly, Annabeth's wails quieted down into small hiccups and her eyes fluttered open. 

"Percy!" She gasped, "you were dying again I had to watch! Oh, it was so horrible!"  

Percy stroked her hair softly and kissed her temple, "I know Wise Girl, I know."

Nina stood up and shooed everyone out of the room. "Give them some time," she said, "they'll be fine. They always are." 

I stood up, shocked. Maybe I should let Annabeth make her own decisions from now on, it seems that she knows what's best for her. Plus, her and Percy were so cute together!

This is an idea from meghesch1

Thank you so much! It was so fun to write!

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