Grace Manning

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Lacey above!!

@imherealright    your comment was brilliant so this is dedicated to you!

I was walking through the halls of my school with my best friend, Lacey was holding a flyer that she collected at the school gates. She read over it, her eyes scanned it quickly before she began jumping up and down. "Lacey, calm down! You're attracting loads of attention," I hissed and grabbed her sweater. Lacey was screaming in excitement, her face was going red. 

"I can't calm down and by the way, everyone else is doing it too,"snapped Lacey. A frown appeared on her face for a second but then she looked at the flyer again and a stupid grin made it's way back. But sure enough, looking around I noticed that everyone else who was holding a flyer was having a major fan-girl session. It was also, mostly the girls. 

"Give me that!" I said haughtily and snatched the flyer from Lacey's hands.

"Grace?" Lacey moaned but she let me read it, still bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet.

"Who is Percy Jackson?" I asked.

"What?" Lacey looked shocked.

"Who is Percy Jackson?" I repeated, this time louder.

Lacey frowned and ripped the flyer out of my hand, "I heard you the first time," she grumbled, "it's just, who doesn't know about Percy Jackson?"

I snorted, "um, me apparently. So? Who is he?"  

A blush tinted Lacey's cheeks and she closed her eyes, "he's so dreamy. He's an olympic swimmer, the youngest ever but he's also really hot and he's coming to do a signing at our school this afternoon!" 

I rolled my eyes. Of course everyone would be into this swimmer, he doesn't even know who any of them are! "Are you going to get something signed, Lacey?" I asked.

My best friend looked at me like I was stupid, "are you stupid, Grace? Of course! Maybe my stomach, and then I can get a tattoo artist to go over it to make it permanent!" At this I laughed out loud. If Lacey did that, her parents would murder her. Let's just say they were on the extreme side of things. They got it from Lacey's uncle, Jace. Lacey tugged my arm, her blonde hair flew wildly around her face. "Let's go, Grace!" 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Lacey!" I groaned, wiping sweat off my forehead, "we've been waiting for ages. Can we ditch?"

Lacey looked at her phone, "Grace, it's been ten minutes and we're almost at the front of the line." Suddenly, someone pushed through us. I went to tell them not to push in line but realised that they were walking through us and not in front of us. The blonde walked towards the big, oak tree just near the entrance to the school and plonked herself down. It was Annabeth Jackson. Ugh, I would recognise that loner's mop of (unfortunately, really pretty) blonde, curly hair and her odd grey eyes anywhere. Lacey laughed, "Annabeth is so weird. She has, no friends."

I laughed along with Lacey, still looking at the girl. Her nose was buried in a book, like usual and she seemed as if she was in a trance. Once Annabeth Jackson got reading, no one could do anything about it. In class, Annabeth always sat in the same seat, one at the back of the room and always listened to the teacher and was constantly taking some sort of notes. Once I caught a glimpse of her notebook and I swear I saw drawing of a sort of temple. Maybe Greek? Each drawing had a name at the top of the paper. The one that I saw had Poseidon written on it. Whatever it was, it was a weird way to remember the lesson by. 

"Grace!" Lacey shrieking in my ear woke me from my daydream. 


"We're almost there! One more person then it's me!" she whispered (loudly) in my ear. I rolled my eyes and stood patiently as the girl in front of Lacey left with a fresh Percy Jackson signature on her wrist with a little infinity sign below it. Lacey grabbed her elbow and pulled her in. "You better rub that infinity sign off your little wrist because he's mine! You hear me Cara?" she hissed in Cara's ear. Cara's eyes widened in fear and quickly smudged the sign off. She ran off.

"She okay?"

His voice shocked me. I expected a rough, player- kind of voice but Percy Jackson's voice was soft and caring. Looking at him closer, I saw why everyone wanted him to notice them. He had gorgeous, wind-swept black hair and beautiful green eyes that swirled like the ocean. I smelt salt and sand. Maybe it was a new men cologne? "She's fine!" snapped Lacey then changed her tone, "will you sign my collarbone? Just there, please." She leant forward so Percy could reach but in doing that, she also revealed her assets. I'm not proud of my best friend, Lacey always was a bit show-offish. Many people called her names behind her back but I stuck with her because I'd known her since we were born. 

"Um," Percy Jackson seemed very nervous, he straightened his collar and looked around, almost like he was trying to escape. "Excuse me for a moment please, ladies." Percy slung his jacket over his chair and stepped away from the table. A boy with blonde hair and a scar on his lip moved forward but Percy shook his head. I assumed the blonde boy was his bodyguard, though he seemed very young. Percy motioned towards the school and the blonde boy checked before his eyes lit up in understanding. He stepped aside and Percy began running. Lacey scowled once she saw who he was running to.

"Annabeth Jackson," she muttered, "typical." 

Percy Jackson picked her up from the ground, startling her. Her book hit the ground with a thud but she wrapped her arms around his neck. He spun her around then placed her back on the ground. He said something which made Annabeth smile and wrap her arms around his waist. It was only then, did I make the connection.

Annabeth Jackson was married to Percy Jackson.

That theory was answered when the pair shared a sweet, passionate kiss. Lacey mumbled something about boyfriend-stealers and revenge but I knew she would never try to break up a married couple. No matter how cute he was. 

Okay so this one is not as good because it was slightly rushed. You know? I would write chapters much faster if you send me some OC (own character) forms! Seriously, making these up without them becoming repetitive is hard! Please just help make this book better by helping me.

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