Percabeth Baby Names

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Ok. I am going to have a little rant right now and in the comments below I want you to tell me if you agree or disagree.

In these kind of stories or stories about after the war, the popular thing to do looks like to name their kids after people like Luke or Bianca or Silena. You get what I mean? Now this is all nice but when you actually think about it, it's actually incredibly awful to the kids. Demigods live a live where destiny and fate isn't a myth so their lives becomes their dynasty. I believe that naming their kid Luke is just not right because now they have the struggle of living with Luke's story but also the task of creating their own.

I've also read a few where the child is names Percy Jr.  Now this is just plain embarrassing and I can't see Annabeth ever agreeing to it or even Percy suggesting it but the child will have everyone expecting him to live up to the same potential and do things as great as the things Percy did and to be honest, I don't think any demigod ever, can top what he did.

So yeah, that's my opinion on Percabeth Baby Names. Comment your thoughts down below, I want to know what you all think about the naming process.

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