Mai Winchest

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Mai Winchest above

thanks for the character 221BTARDIMPALA

Everyone thought I was crazy, but I really did see greek mythological creatures on a daily basis. Last week, I saw two cyclopses walking through times square like they were the regular tourists. One even pointed to the Empire State Building and grinned (or it may have been a sneer but I looked away because its teeth were really gross). Then yesterday I was walking through the halls of my high school, Goode High when I saw the resident cutest couple, Percy and Annabeth swinging a couple of swords in the locker room! I had to check it out, the swords were actually really large and looked real and dangerous. 

I pulled my auburn hair up into a quick pony and pushed the locker room door open open. Annabeth and Percy jumped in fright and looked at me, raising their swords threateningly. "Woah!" I exclaimed, holding my arms up in defence, "what are you doing with those?" 

Annabeth's mouth quirked up and she glanced at Percy before looking back at me. Her grey eyes looked me up and down before she spoke. "You can see these?" 

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "Duh!" 

Percy stepped forward and clicked his fingers in front of my face. "These are not swords but are actually tennis rackets." 

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? I can see that they're swords, idiot." 

Annabeth frowned. "Hey, only I can call him that! Who are you anyway?" She then went on to whisper something to Percy along the lines of not one of us. Rude. 

"I'm Mai. Mai Winchest and if you tell me why you have swords and where I can get one, then I won't tell the principal." 

Annabeth smirked. "Go ahead, Mai. Take us to the principal then because we are not telling you anything." 

My eyes widenend. "Fine," I said and walked out of the locker room. I could hear the couple following me and when I turned around, they had made no move to hide the weapons. Weirdos.

*** **** **** **** **** **** ***** ***** ***** *****

I knocked curtly on the principals door and waited patiently.  Percy and Annabeth, still holding the gleaming swords in their hands, waited behind me. I faced them. "You guys are in so much trouble," I said, grinning. But the pair just smiled and gave each other a knowing look. I growled and turned back around just as Mr. Simmons opened the door. 

"Ah, Mai, back again are we?" He said and opened his door wider to let us in. He didn't say anything about Percy and Annabeth as they walked through the door. Hm, he must be waiting for the right moment to bust them. When we were all seated on the other side of his wooden desk, he spoke. "Come on then Mai, we don't want to keep your friends from their tennis."

"What?" I said and glanced at the couple. They were still twirling the long, gleaming weapons on their hands. "Tennis?" 

Mr. Simmons clasped his hands together and kept glancing right at the swords. "Those are some very nice tennis rackets you two have there."

"Thank you sir," Percy said. "We're killers on the court and we were heading to a match when Mai dragged us here." Annabeth stiffled a giggle but Mr. Simmons didn't hear. 

"Very good, Mr. Jackson. I'm glad to see that you are partici[atong in some physical activities other than destroying school property." 

"What?" I screeched, standing up. I opened my mouth to tell him that they were swords! Not tennis rackets but Mr. Simmons had already petted Percy's head. "Mai, why did you come here? I have a meeting to get to." 

Annabeth shrugged in my direction, grinning and I realised that somehow, by some power, Mr. Simmons couldn't see the swords that they were obviously holding. I gulped and rubbed the back of my neck. My cheeks were burning red. "I just wanted you to know that they were such amazing tennis players," I mumbled and stood up. "Thanks for your time, sir." 

Mr. Simmons smiled and held the door open for us as we left his office. Percy and Annabeth grinned at each other and began walking away. "Wait!" I called and ran up to them. "Why do I think your rackets are swords?"

Annabeth grinned again, her white teeth gleaming from the sun. "Or maybe, the question you should be asking is why did Mr. Simmons think our swords were rackets?" She pressed a button and her sword suddenly bend out of shape until it was transformed into a large charm bracelet. 


She handed it over to me, pressing it into my hand. "For the monsters," she said, winking. Percy kissed her quickly before they pair walked out of the school.

Here is an update!! I am still alive! If you have read my other stories then you will know that I have opened a cover contest for my HP x PJ stories. Send them to if you want to enter. I will email back to let you know I received it. 

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