Kiara White

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The sword in my stomach was the only thing keeping me alive- and on the brink of death. I had chosen the wrong side. Why did I do that? I had a home! A family! A good life...

Then that boy got into my head. The boy with blonde hair and the scar on his eye. That gorgeous son of Hermes, that amazing boy. I suppose at the time it was like a school-girl crush. Flushed cheeks whenever he walked past and trembling knees whenever he spoke to me.

Then came the soft kisses, the sweet caresses. The moonlit walks and the words in my ears that made me giggle and blush like a child. He was so nice, that blonde son of Hermes. He made me feel beautiful again, he made me feel wanted.

But as I lay on the pavement, bleeding, I now realised that he never loved me. He never even liked me. He only wanted new blood to join his cause. The fight against my own kind- my family. My real family. All the kisses were in the dark, all the caresses were when we were alone.

He was ashamed! Ashamed that he touched me like that, ashamed that he even knew my name.

Now I was ashamed to be a daughter of Hecate. Ashamed to have fallen on the blade of my brother. Ashamed because it was all my fault.

I was so sure Luke loved me like I loved him, it was why I followed him to the other side. The wrong side. Krono's side.

I was young and stupid and naive so I followed Luke into the fog and came out with a stupid celestial bronze sword lodged in my stomach.

I could almost sense the underworld now. I would be judged into the Fields of Punishment and endure my pain and regret forever.

Suddenly, out of the red haze I saw a tall man with jet black hair race towards me. The ground went from underneath me and I felt his arms under my body. I went limp and closed my eyes...

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