Melanie Stryder- Part 2

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Claire above

Dedicated to tinnyhi

You are awesome!

A few hours into studying, Percy's phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the caller I.D. He grimaced then looked at me and Claire apologetically. Her touched his phone and held it up to his ear. The back of it was black with a golden trident carved on the back. Below the trident I could slightly make out the words; Leo's Zhang-tastic Electronics! 

OK? The trident was cool though, I had to admit. 

"Hello?" Percy said, "oh, hey Annabeth." He listened to a feminine voice for a few moments before nodding and looking over at me with an emotion in his eyes. What it... Fear? "OK, thanks, Wisegirl. Yes, Wisegirl. See you soon Wisegirl." He hung up and pocketed his phone. He collected his books and stood up, "I've got to go guys."

Claire stood and opened her bedroom door, "will we see you at school on Monday?" 

Percy shook his head, "I'm afraid not. I have decided that I have better things to do in life than get kicked out of another school."

Claire's hand froze from where she was about to place it on his shoulder, "what? What have you done, Percy?" 

Percy shrugged but I could see his eyes dart around the room as if looking for an escape. There was a huge gust of wind and there was a huge BARK from downstairs. I jumped up at the same time Percy stuffed his hand in his pocket. I narrowed my eyes at him, hoping my hunch was wrong.

Percy was too cute to be a demigod! I didn't want to kill him! 

"Guys my dog is downstairs," he chuckled, "who knew it was so loyal?" 

He laughed uncertainly then turned tail and sprinted downstairs. I growled and drew my gun from my bag. It was loaded with celestial bronze bullets. Claire shreaked and I pushed her into her cupboard. "Stay here!" I growled, "I'm going to kill some Greek scum." Claire nodded her head in fear and pulled the doors closed with a BANG. 

I stalked downstairs, expecting to see Percy lying on the floor, dying slowly, ready to beg me to end his pitiful life. Demigods are weak, simple-minded creatures and always need help to destroy their problems, like the monsters that hunt them. Instead, I found a hellhound in the middle of disintegrating with Percy collecting a bronze sword from the dust. He clicked it and it shrunk into his lucky pen- the one he never let anyone touch. "I knew it!" I shrieked, pointing an accusing finger at Percy, "I knew there was something off about you!" 

I loaded my gun, the sound made Percy freeze, whatever he was going to say got stuck in his throat. "What are you doing, Mel'?" he asked, the hurt shining in his gorgeous green eyes. 

"And to think I was going to sleep with you at the Spring Formal! Demigod scum!" 

"Woah!" yelled Percy, anger replacing the betrayal, "if it wasn't without us, demigod scum, you mortals wouldn't have survived the year we've been without the mist!" 

I sneerd at him and pointed the gun at his chest, "yeah, right. I'm a hunter, Perseus, my kind could have handled your mess. You and your messed up family are better off dead! The lot of you!" 

Percy stood straighter, his glare intensified. The pipes in Claire's house began to rattle furiously. I gulped and tried to stop my arms from shaking, No demigod I had ever faced had reeked of this much power. I heard Claire scream from upstairs and she came tumbling down the stairs, soaking wet. "Melanie!" she wailed, "the bathroom just exploded!" She froze in her tracks and stared at Percy in fear. I looked back. The green-eyed demigod was in the middle of a personal hurricane. When he spoke next, I thought I would be dying that day. 

"You can insult me all you like, Melanie. But, never, insult my family and friends. I'll spare you mortal but count yourself lucky, if you were a monster you would be living the same fate as the Hellhound. Count yourself lucky you mortals have heroes like me to save your asses every time a monster invades a public area," 

Percy was rising higher, the plaster on the walls was peeling and the furniture was hurricane mush.

"Count yourself lucky, Melanie Stryder, that the gods have let your kind. The Hunters live because believe me, if they wanted you gone, you would be long dead." 

Then Percy was gone, he disappeared into thin air. Like he walked behind glass he had turned blurry before he was gone completely. In the background I could hear Claire wailing and sirens blaring from the street. I looked down at the gun in my hands and chewed my lip. before I could think anymore, I threw the gun onto the ground. 

Before it ended, four words were formed by rogue water droplets lying around the room.

I have a wife. 

So here is Percy, showing a sliver of what his dark side could look like. He is the most loyal hero. Long live Percy Jackson.

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