See the Stars

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I was so worn out but I was putting on a face. Bruno was still a ball of energy as we left a New Year's eve party. At sometimes, I felt like I was the older one. When I shut the car door, I sighed. My feet were killing me. Starting off the New Year off with blisters...awesome.

I was almost falling asleep in the car, gazing at the stars.

"Don't fall asleep, baby."

"Why not?" I groaned and faced him.

"You'll see," he said as I saw a grin carved onto his face from the moonlight.

He pulled up to a dark area, and shut off the engine.

"Bruno what's going on?" I asked, picking my head up a little. "This is kinda creepin' me out..."

"You're fine. Be patient. Don't get out of the car."

I stayed put as I watched him walk about the front of the car to open my door. He held his hand out and smiled. I took it, so incredibly confused. He wrapped his arm around my waist. It was so dark I couldn't tell where we were.

"Bruno, what the?"

As I was talking he snapped his fingers and a bunch of lights came on, on the outside of the parking lot, hung on strings just like Christmas lights. I looked at dark signs on the windows.

It was the convenience store where we spilled out guts out to each other so many times. For the first time, the store was closed. We were parked in the same spot we always did. In the spot next to him, where I usually parked, was a small table with a candle and a vase of roses. The ground had a white cloth or something over it to cover the gravel. Only Bruno could make a parking lot look so romantic.

"Oh Bruno," was all I was able to say. As usual, he left me speechless.

He was staring and smiling at me, I could feel it. His grip got tighter as he walked me to one of the chairs and pulled it out for me. I sat down and he sat across from me. In front of us were sandwiches and chips. He replaced the soda with a bottle of wine.

I giggled a little bit and my lips couldn't stop from smiling.

"Well? What do ya think?" he asked, with anticipation.

"This is adorable, Bruno. This is so sweet. But I still don't..." I stopped talking when he held my hand in his.

"Lily you look so beautiful tonight, as always," he said, his voice had never sounded so sexy. It was still so raspy from a night of drinks and yelling over music.

"Bruno..." I smiled.

"Lily you're my best friend. When we first sat down in this very spot a couple of years ago, I fell in love with you. I didn't see us together, like this, at that very moment. You were still so incredible, though. I fell in love with your strength and respected your determination and everything about you. I loved that we could talk for hours about anything and laugh even longer. I'll never stop being your best friend and nothing could ever break that."

He walked over to me, took a knee, and then my hand. My heart started beating very fast and I was now wide awake.

"Listen, I know it's only been a year, but I love you Lily, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else, but you," he said, taking a final breath. His eyes even started to tear up a little.

I started squealing already and he laughed at me. In the tune of "Marry You," he sang, "hey Lily, I really wanna marry you. Will you please marry me?"

I squeezed his hand tight and put my other hand over my mouth. I nodded my head. "Yes, Bruno. I'd love to marry you."

His adorable dimples got really defined. He slid the ring on my finger. I don't know anything about jewelry and rings but damn it was beautiful. I started picturing him meticulously picking it out at the store. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his stood up, still carrying me. We held a long, deep kiss.

I had my fingers in his hair as he spun us around. I could feel him smiling against my lips in between breaks.

"I have an idea," he said excitedly, gently putting me down. "Let's go to the beach."


My second wind of energy hit me like a train. He grabbed the food, bottle of wine, and my hand, leaving the table behind. He helped me into the car and kissed me before shutting the door. He was beaming the whole drive to the beach.

When we made it to the beach, it was very late, or should I say early? He grabbed everything from the backseat, including a blanket.

"You planned on going to the beach, didn't you?"

"I had to make it a little more romantic. I mean come on...I couldn't help that I fell in love with you in a parking lot."

I took my shoes off on the walk down to the sand. The stars were so bright; they made it easier to see in the dark. We sat down in the sand and Bruno wrapped the blanket around us.

I grabbed the bottle of wine.

"Sorry I forgot to bring cups."

"Oh well," I said in a goofy voice, drinking out of the bottle.

Bruno just laughed. I passed him the bottle and we both ate our sandwiches. It was so beautiful, clear skies and a little chilly.

"It's a beautiful night," I said.

He kissed my cheek. We drank the wine a little too fast and laid down on the sand, holding hands.

"Lil see that one right there?" Bruno asked, pointing to a bright star.


"I bet that's your dad."

"See that one??" I asked, pointing to another one. "That's your mom."

We moved a little closer to each other, staring right into heaven. As I looked over at him, I got a glimpse of his eyes. They appeared to be a little glossy.

"Hey..." I said.

"I'm sorry..." he said, wiping his eyes. "I didn't think I was gonna cry...I thought I could at least hold it in until tomorrow...but... I've been thinking lately if I'd known...if I'd just known...that I was gonna lose her...maybe...just maybe..."

"No..." I replied quietly. "It doesn't matter how things happen and that stuff. I knew for years...and I still wasn't ready...and it still hurt really, really bad." 

Bruno took my hand and held it for a while as we both lay silent. 

"Hey guess what?" he said suddenly and excitedly, flipping over me and scooping his arms underneath mine.

"What?" I giggled.

"I love you," he said, kissing my lips.

"I love you too," I said, sliding my hands through his curls.

"Forever and ever?" he asked, putting his forehead against mine.

"Forever and ever."

I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

Misprinted Lies (Alice in Chains/Bruno Mars)Where stories live. Discover now