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Ryan gave me a nod. He and I had been working on a surprise for Bruno, even though Bruno was technically in charge of organizing the entertainment piece of the reception. I grabbed the microphone and Bruno looking so incredibly and adorably confused. It was perfect and just what I wanted.

"Alright, so Bruno I know you had all the stage and entertainment," I said, hopping off the stage and sitting next to him. "But I have a surprise for you."

"Uh, oh," he laughed.

"Hit it!" I yelled, my voice echoing off the walls.

A giant purple curtain dropped down and Prince was standing there, center stage.

"HO-LY-SHIT!" Bruno screamed. He couldn't contain his enthusiasm. He started running around the room like a little boy. Then, he ran to me and squeezed me so tight.

"You are literally the best person in the whole fuckin' universe," he said into my ear as we got up to the stage along with everyone else.

Prince did five songs that we danced to before he had to fly off to an event in New York. Just as I was sitting down, Bruno got up on the stage and Ryan and Travie followed. The guys in Gym Class Heroes got up there with them.

"Lily," Bruno said into the microphone. "That surprise was amazing. I love you. Now it's your turn to be surprised."

Bruno handed Ryan the microphone and sat back down beside me. I just stared at him, having no idea what to expect. He winked at me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Lily," Ryan said. "Travie and I wanted to do something special for you and we've been waiting for a long time to tell you this. I couldn't even tell you..."

"It's been five years!" Bruno yelled and then winked at me.

Bruno loved that I had no idea what was going on.

"Thank you, Bruno. So, Lil for five years we've been waiting for this. In 2012, you mixed and produced a song called "The Fighter." Travie and I wrote that song about you, because that's what you are. So right now, I'm gonna shut up and we're gonna perform it for you. How's that sound?"

I nodded as my jaw dropped. I had the best friends in the world. Mike, Jerry, and Sean smiled at me. Ryan sat at the piano and I watched them perform a song dedicated to me through tears in my eyes. Halfway through the song, Ryan got up from the piano and started walking down the steps of the stage and toward me along with Travie. My friends really are the greatest.

The last song before everyone joined us on the dance floor was Count on Me. Bruno had one arm around my waist and sang with the microphone in the other hand.

Everyone took part on the dance floor and Bruno pulled me out of the room by my arm.

"Where are we going?" I asked, as Bruno unlocked another room.

He didn't answer me but he was grinning ear to ear. He closed the door behind us. The room had low-lighting with candles everywhere. Hundreds of pictures plastered on the wall, pictures of us from the past seven years, in order. The past seven years, while they didn't seem quick all the time, really flew by.

"Oh, Bruno..." I sighed as I looked at pictures I'd never seen before.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in close. My arms rested lightly around him. "Remember that song Rest of My Life I wrote when I was twenty?"

"Yeah," I giggled. "The one where your voice barely dropped yet?"

"That's the one," he smiled. "I had no idea that that song would come true, and I'd find someone who I'd love for the rest of my life...and who would love me for the rest of my life. I wanted to sing it to you...for you and only you...without everyone else."

Misprinted Lies (Alice in Chains/Bruno Mars)Where stories live. Discover now