Stay Away

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"Brooklyn!" I shouted, "don't you get it? I can't be around you anymore!" "Why?" He asked me. "Brooklyn, it's for the greater good" I replied, "but-" "don't you get it Brooklyn? I can't handle being around you because I'm falling for you and you have a girlfriend. It hurts me every time you talk about her" I blurted out, "the way you talk about her eyes, her smile, everything about her. I wish you would talk about me that way but no, I'm your friend. You see me as a friend, but when I looked you? I see everything I've ever wanted" I took a breath. "Jeez Brooklyn, how are you so blind? I look at you and, I don't care about anything else" I ended, his mouth agape. "Oh my god I-" "just shut it Brooklyn" I interrupted, "please, just stay away" I requested as I left the building.

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