"There's this girl..." 4.0

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"And now we will have the kind and queen waltz" he announced. Oh boy.

Brooklyn took my hand in his, leading my to the dance floor....

I placed my hands on his shoulders as he placed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer. We swayed to the beat, awkwardly.

"Soooo... Is this our new relationship?" He asked, "I don't know" I replied, in barely a whisper.

"Listen, what happened the last time we saw each other-" "Brooklyn just drop it" I interrupted, "it doesn't matter" "yes it does" he insisted, "I don't want us to be like this, you are my best friend-" "and you're in love with my best friend" I interrupted again.

"You love her and not me, end of story" "no" he denied, "this isn't the end. You are my best friend and I don't want to lose you" "Brooklyn I can barely look at you without crying" I said with my head hanging low. Knowing the fact that the guy I've liked since whenever is in love with my best friend, tears fell uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry Brooklyn, I can't do this" I ran away. I just ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I just ran.

I ran and ran and ran until I arrived at a small pond. I stood there, staring at the water. I let it all out, my tears dripping into the peaceful waters of the pond, the contact making the water move once again. I cried for what felt like ages until I felt a presence behind me.

"Hey" a voice too familiar to me said, I stayed quiet. "Please, just talk to me-" "Brooklyn I've had enough, please" "no, I'm not leaving" "Brooklyn like I said earlier, I can't look at you without crying" my legs gave up on me and I collapsed into Brooklyn's arms. He held onto me for what felt like an eternity.

At some point, I pulled back. He gazed into my eyes as I did the same to him and without me knowing, our lips collided. It took me a second realize and kiss back.

His hands snaked around my waist as my hands trailed onto his neck. We kissed for exactly 10 seconds until we broke apart.

I stared at his face, illuminated by the reflection of the light in the water.

"I need to tell you something" he said, "what?" "The day I went to your house, the day I told you who I 'liked', the day you pushed me away, it was the day I was supposed to tell you that I love you" I stood there in shock, not knowing what to do. "I chickened out because I thought you didn't feel the same way, but when you told me you liked me, I was supposed to tell you but you told me to leave" "well now I feel kinda embarrassed" I blushed, "it's okay, at least I know now" he laughed. "Me too" I giggled as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me once again.

I can't believe that girl is me.....

a/n to make up for everything I put you guys through :) soooo THIS IS THE LAST PART OF THIS IMAGINE! I
actually really enjoyed making this and I'm glad you guys liked it :)

Note: idk if you guys have ponds near your house or if your best friend is a girl or you have prom but for the sake of this imagine, you do 😂

Note 2.0: you best friend didn't know about your crush, no one did.

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I love you all
Happy holidays
Whatever you celebrate :)

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora