Can't Help Falling In Love 3.0

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previously on Can't Help Falling In Love..

"mom" I called, "when I was younger, you asked me if love was a feeling or a choice. back then, I said it's a choice. I chose to love him. but deep in my heart, I've always loved Brooklyn" she smiled at me, "I'm so glad you're following your heart" I smiled at her and walked up to Brooklyn.

"from the moment I saw you, I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life" i smiled at him and continued, "I let the fight influence how much you really mean to me. I made myself think that I didn't love you. I made myself think that I loved someone else. but deep down inside, I knew it will always be you" "I'm so glad you've come to your senses" he smiled at me.

"hey!" I called my almost fiancé, "what are we gonna do now?" "well, you and Brooklyn can get married. I mean, we invited all these people" he laughed, "oh and my family is on their way" Brooklyn popped in. "alright, so wanna do this all over again?" I asked, "sure" the two men said simultaneously.

the flower petals were cleaned up, everyone took their seats, including Brooklyn's family, and I walked back out of the church to meet with my dad.

"I'm glad you realized it before it was to late" my father smiled at me as he kissed my forehead, "me too" I smiled.

a/n SHITTY UPDATE I KNOW IM SO SORRY but I know where this is going now and I'll update again soon :))

i love you all so much :)

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora