Stay Away 2.0

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a/n requested :)

A hand grabbed my wrist before I could leave, "wait" Brooklyn said.

I couldn't stop crying. He knows now. Why can't he leave me alone?

"Brooklyn I asked you to stay away-" "well I won't" he interrupted, "you know why?" "Why?" I asked, "because I love you" he smiled, loosening his grip on my hand.

"But you have a girlfriend" I said in confusion.

"I only dated her to kinda get rid of my feelings for you" he confessed, "I thought you didn't like me back"

"Of course I like you" I laughed, "you're a great guy"

"And you're an amazing girl" he said taking my hands in his, "an amazing girl who deserves to be swept off her feet. An amazing girl who deserves to love and be loved. An amazing princess who deserves a prince who will give her the world" he smiled. "And if you will let me" he said getting down on one knee, "I would be honored to be the lucky man who gets to hold your hand when you're scared, to watch you laugh at you're favorite things, and to experience monumental things with you" I smiled and blushed uncontrollably, "so, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, as if proposing.


a/n I'm sorry it's short but it's a part 2 sooo I hope you liked it :)

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora