Love and Respect 3.0

416 19 3

"hello" I greeted him as I arrived at the seat next to him, he glanced my way, rolled his eyes,and turn his attention back to his girlfriend.

what a prick.

I ignored his action as I took my seat, regardless of his rude actions.

as the event started, he didn't even bother to say hi or apologize for what he's done. I know people may think that I think I'm always right, but in my situation where he's right.

he could've at least been civilized about it and talk to me first, but he decided to ignore me and completely erase me from his life.

I've tried to reach out to him and actually talk things out, but instead, he pretended that I didn't even exist.

"Brooklyn can we please talk" I asked him, trying to get his attention.

"there's nothing to talk about" he replied, rather nonchalantly.

"yes there is Brooklyn don't deny it" I insisted, changing the direction my body was in so I could face him and try to have an actual conversation.

"I'm not denying anything" I he said back, slightly annoyed.

"Brooklyn I just hate having this much tension between us so can you please stop acting so childish?!" I whispered rather loudly.

"honestly I don't want to talk about it" he ignored, shrugging, and turning his attention back to the show.

you know what, I've had it.

he's always been like this, but I was stupid enough to believe he'd change.

I'm done.

a/n I WAS GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS BUT EVERYTHING JUST VANISHED. but I have a really cute one coming up and I really hope you'll like it :) ITLL BE MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.

all the love,

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora