10:00pm starbucks chats

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scenario: you worked a late shift at Starbucks to make up for the time that you lost in the morning.

it was a rainy night when I decided to take the late shift. it started peacefully but began raining harder and harder. "woah look at the rain outside" I gawked at the sight. the rain drops looked like bullets from a cloud gun. "yeah it's pretty intense" Johnny, my friend who decided to work the shift with me, said. "what time is it" I asked him, "10:00pm" he replied. "what time do we leave?" "5:00am tomorrow" he said. "Jesus Christ who the hell comes to Starbucks at 10:00pm?!" as the words came out of my mouth, a strange boy bursts through the doors, trudged to a seat and just sits there. he didn't even order, he just sat there. "I guess he does" Johnny said in reply to my previous statement. he looked so sad. almost broken. "heyyy he's kinda cute" Johnny commented, he's gay by the way. "I don't see his face" I laughed, "maybe you should go and talk to him to find out, he looks like he needs a friend" he suggested, he did look really sad and lonely. I looked a little closer and he seemed familiar. I just can't point out who he is. I decided to walk over to his table and try to talk to him.

"hey" I said, I received no response as his head hung low. "hey" I repeated, taking the  seat in front of him. "okay lemme get this straight I'm gonna be here till 5:00am tomorrow and I'm sick of my co-worker and you look like you need someone to talk to" I said as his head slowed came up, "sooo anything you want to get off your chest?" I asked him. "I don't want to waste your time" he finally replied, "I'm here for.." I looked at my watch, "7 more hours so I've got lots of time" we both laughed. "alrighty then..." he said, loosening up. "I'm Brooklyn Beckham, what's your name?" he asked me, "*your full name*, nice to meet you" I replied, "the pleasure is all mine" he laughed. "so what brings you here at 10:00pm?" "well I was gonna surprise my girlfriend with this huge picnic under the stars but when I went to her house to pick her up, I found out that she was cheating on me" a single tear fell from his eyes, no wonder he was so sad. "I ran for god knows how long, and now I'm here talking about my love life to a complete stranger" he laughed, "hey, you just told me about something really close to your heart, so I don't think we're strangers" I replied to him, "so what are we?" "I guess we can be friends?" I proposed, "yeah, we are friends" he laughed.

we ended up talking for hours until the next set of workers came in.

"welp, my shift is over" I stood from my chair, "you should get home, your parents must be looking for you" "nah, my parents know I'm here" he replied to me, "you should get going, your parents must be looking for you" "nah my parents know in here" I mocked him, "well do you wanna go around town?" he asked me, "that sounds great"

before I left, I walked over to Johnny who was also getting ready to leave, "hey Johnny I-" "you're going around town with Brooklyn. I know, I was listening the entire time" he smiled at me, "but I was supposed to walk with you-" "it's fine girl" he interrupted, "go be with your new friend" I smiled before giving him a big hug. I picked up my coat and followed Brooklyn out the door.

10:00pm Starbucks chats are the best.

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