See You Soon (ily 2.0)

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I arrived at home, still in shock that I actually lost her.

Lost in thought, I walked up to my room and discovered an envelope resting on my desk. It read, in her handwriting:

To: Brooklyn Joseph Beckham
(aka stinkiest poo :))

From: not so stinky poo :)

I shakily took the letter in my hand, Fearing what was in the note and slowly opened it.

Dear Brooklyn,
If you're reading this, that means I'm dead. The doctors told me that I was most likely to not make it, so I decided to write this letter in case I didn't make it. So if you're reading this, that means I didn't make it.

I'm really sorry for leaving you so soon Brooklyn. I really didn't want to go, but I guess life works in crazy ways and we never expect what's coming to us. And we both know we didn't expect this. I would've wanted to stay, we haven't even finished everything on our bucket list :(. But that's okay, we did some of it, right? I'm really sad I had to go so soon but it happened and we can't do anything about it.

I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. For making me laugh, cry (of happiness/laughter), smile, and a better person. Honestly, i wouldn't be the person I was without you. You helped me grow, and for that I want to thank you. No words can express how much I am thankful for you and how thankful I am to have you in my life, much more as my boyfriend. You were so much more than a boyfriend to me. You were a boyfriend, friend, brother, best friend, and everything else. You loved my like a boyfriend, cared for me like a brother, laughed with me like a friend, and comforted my like a best friend. Thank you for making even the darkest days have just a tiny little light in them. Thank you for cheering me up when I'm sad. Thank you for watching sappy chick flicks with me, even though you wanted to watch something else because all you wanted to do was make me happy. Thank you for loving me with everything you have. I appreciate every little thing you do for me. Making me breakfast, taking me on surprise dates, driving me to McDonald's in the middle of the night, waking up every 5 hours to give me my medicine when I'm sick, singing to me, dedicating you're games to me, treating me like a princess, fighting for me, and over all, loving me. You made me feel like I was important. You made me feel like I was worth something. And for that, I am forever grateful.

Now, what I want you to do is: be happy. Remember that I'm in a better place. Hangin' with Michael Jackson and Robin Williams. I'm happy here, so I want you to be happy down there. Don't get me wrong, I would much rather be down on earth with you. But it's cool here too. I want you to do all the things on our bucket list with someone you love. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or a new girlfriend. Bottom line, I want you to be happy. It's all I want for you baby. Remember, I'm not saying goodbye. I'm gonna see you soon. But till then, I want you to remember the following:

1. Don't forget to clean your room
2. Play with Harper while she still wants to play with you
3. Wear clean underwear
4. Smile :)
5. Go outside once in a while
6. Enjoy the fresh air while it's still there
7. Appreciate the small things people do for you
8. Do good deeds
9. Don't do drugs
10. Stay away from cigarettes and alcohol.
11. When you get a new girlfriend, treat her the same way you treated me. Like a queen
12. Tell your loved ones you love them while they're still with you
13. Be happy
14. Live in the moment
15. Enjoy the little things
16. I already miss you a lot
17. I'll see you soon
18. I love you

With all the love I can give from heaven,
Not so stinky poo :) aka *your name*

I smiled as I finished reading the letter.

"I love you *your name*" I whispered, a tear rolling down my face.

"I'll see you soon"

a/n well.......

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora