Flower boy

901 22 4

Story idea credits to @eatseokjin

Scenario: you work at a local flower shop. One day, a certain boy named Brooklyn bought flowers from the flower shop that you worked at everyday and gave it to his so called girlfriend. Soon, you became best friends.


I'm sitting at the counter, waiting for a customer to buy some flowers for whoever. I swear this is the most boring job anyone can every have. And it sucks because I'm single and every Valentine's Day the store is packed with people who want to buy flowers for their significant other. It's kinda like reality taunts me every Valentine's Day.

I saw a figure coming towards me, right on time.

"Hey Brooklyn" I smiled, hiding my sadness. The fact that I've come to like Brooklyn over the years we've been friends and I have to literally provide him the tools that he needs to win the heart of a girl he adores aka not me.

"Hey, do you have any roses?" He asked me, "do cows make milk? Of course I do" I joked, searching for the said bouquet of flowers.

"So are you doing anything with your girlfriend later?" I asked, still looking for the roses, "actually I'm gonna ask her out on a date Today" he replied. Reality really does hurt huh. "Cool" I casually said, still looking for them. "I know there are knew deliveries, where did they go?" I scratched my head in confusion. "So do you have any plans later?" Brooklyn asked me, "if you mean sitting in my room watching chick flicks while pigging out on ice cream, then yes. I do have plans" I laughed and so did he. Ah, there they are. A bundle of white, red, and pink roses caught my eye. These are gorgeous.

"Here ya go" I said stepping out of the counter to give them to Brooklyn, "here" he said, handing the roses back to me. "What? But aren't you gonna give them to your-" "girlfriend?" He interrupted,  I nodded in reply, "I never actually had a girlfriend, I bought those flowers for you but I was to afraid to give them to you" he scratched the back of his neck nervously, "so does that mean-" "I'm asking you out?" My eyes widened as I nodded. "Yes I am" he said, getting down on one knee. "It would be an honor to spend Valentine's Day with you and be your Boyfriend. So *your full name*, will you be my valentine and girlfriend?" He asked.

"No" I joked, his eyes widened as he stood up awkwardly, "well that's okay I hope we can be friends and-" "I'm kidding" I laughed, "of course I will" he sighed in relief. "Good" he laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist as I snaked my arms around his neck.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say those words" I said, smiling. "You have no idea how long it took me to get the balls to say them" he laughed.

Valentine's Day might not be so bad.

a/n since Valentine's Day is this Sunday...... idk if this is as good as u thought it would be but I think it's cute af. I got this idea from something that happened to my mom. this guy bought flowers from her then gave it to her. but the funny thing is, when the guy left, she placed the flowers back in the jar and sold them again HAHAHAHAH

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora