face to face with a killer

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a/n you were killed while walking home late at night from the library. a man jumped out of nowhere and stabbed you in the stomach. onlookers called an ambulance but you didn't make it to the hospital. today was the killers trial.

I sat in the court room, torrents of anger rushed through my veins.

there shouldn't even be a trial.

he killed her.

"all rise for the entrance of the judge" a voice called out that snapped me out of my daze.

he walked in an sat on his big chair in front of everyone.

"please take your seat" he announced.

then he walked in.

as the man walked into the room, the torrents became violent waves as the sight of my everything with blood gushing out of her came back to me.

without knowing, I charged at the man and began punching him.

I threw punch after punch after punch. not even the police could get me off him.

my grip tight, punches strong, and anger intact.

"son a bitch! scumbag! snake! asshole! motherfucker! dickhead! shit head! maniac! jackass! fucktard! fuck you! fuck you! fuck you!"

I screamed as tears rolled down my face.

I remembered everything he took away from me.

my moon

my stars

my sun

my sky

my light

my sunshine

my late night calls and texts

my spontaneous trips to McDonald's

my motivation

my inspiration

my passion.

he took her.

a/n k I know this is really short and shitty but I wanted to post something because I haven't posted in a while :(( and sorry for the language hehe but I feel like it would show how he felt more if I did use those words

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora