Chasing Love

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a/n I got this from a Michelle Phan short film called "Rouge in Love". If you wanna kinda visualize this imagine, just watch the vid then imagine yourself as Michelle and Brooklyn as Dom (the guy obvi) so I hope you enjoy :)

Brooklyn's POV

It's all I can see. All I've done was gone out with friends, decided to walk home drunk off my ass and get spotted by the paps.

I kept running. Not knowing where I was going. All I knew was that I had to get away from the paps. Can't I get a little privacy? Jeez.

I continued running aimlessly until I ran into a girl.

Your POV

I walked the gorgeous streets of Paris under the luminescence of the street light around me, surrounded by loving couples showing off their passion for one another by kissing each other every 5 steps. It was cute, but it made me feel kinda lonely.

Next thing I new, I was on the floor with all my belongings on the ground.

The boy stood up drowsily and attempted to cross the road, obviously drunk, and almost getting himself killed.

"Wait! Stop!" I grabbed his arm before he could kill himself and dragged him back onto the sidewalk.

I slung his arm over my shoulder and helped him to a nearby cafe.

I quickly called a waitress and ordered some food and water for the drunk guy. I've seen him before. I just don't know where.

He attempted to drink his water but instead, nearly spilling everything onto his suit. I once again helped him and directed his glass to his lips. We sat in silence. I don't think he could see me. Hm I wonder what happened to him. I guess this is all I can do for him. I paid for the food, reapplied my lipstick, did that thing with the tissue and it gets the excess lipstick leaving it on the table, then left. Praying that the guy will be okay the next day.

Brooklyn's POV

I woke up the next morning in some random cafe with a pounding pain in my head. Memories of last night flooded into my brain.

The paps.

The busy street.

The girl.

I recall seeing a very blurry images of the girl in my head. She's gorgeous. I have to find her. I noticed a small piece of tissue with the shape of a pair of lips painted onto it with lipstick.

The girl.

How am I supposed to find her with this one small clue?

It doesn't matter.

I'll do anything.

I didn't even talk to her. I just know that we were meant to cross paths. As cheesy as it sounds, it was destiny.

I went to every news channel and announced that I would be searching for the girl with the same lipstick stain.

I must find her


After hours and hours of ladies showing me their lipstick stains, I gave up.

How did I ever think I was ever gonna find her?

I stopped by a near cafe to just wake myself up with a cup of coffee.

Wait a minuet.

This is the lipstick stain.

It's hers.

"Excuse me sir, who's is this?" I asked the barista, "she's over there"

There she is.

She hopped onto her motorcycle and drove away. I didn't have time to rent a motor cycle. I just ran.

I found her.

I finally found her.

Your POV

I hopped off my motorcycle to take a quick picture of the Eiffel Tower. I wonder what the guy from last night is doing. I wonder if we were meant to cross paths. I didn't even speak to him. He's just so..... Intriguing. He made me feel something. I don't know what it was, but it was special. I wonder what he's up to-

Wait a minuet.

A tall figure stood in front of my phone camera.

He was tall, blonde, and one more thing.

The guy from last night.

"Hi" he said.


"I'm Brooklyn and I would like to say thank you for stopping me from killing myself the other night" he laughed.

"My pleasure"

We chatted for what felt like hours until I realized it was almost 7:00pm.

"I better get home" I said, "would you fancy a tour of France?" He proposed,
"I accept"

I guess when you're chasing love, love can actually be chasing you.

a/n some fluff. I hope you guys enjoyed :) I'm gonna make a really short prologue about why you went to France. Also, I chose France in honor of what happened there. Although tragedy struck, the residents opened their doors to those in need. I think it's beautiful to see that when times are tough, that's when we really unite. I'm not saying that the terrorist attack was a good thing, I'm saying that what they did after was a good thing. And when they lit up the Eiffel Tower again, it made my heart happy <3 anyways, I hope you enjoyed this and see you in the prologue :)

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora